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Hearts on Fire (Heavy Metal)

In the shadows of the abyss,
where light shatters apart,
hearts ablaze dance softly
in whispers of furious souls.

We cry out to the steel sky,
where pain becomes a song -
blood and steel, love and chaos
in the battle of existence.

Paths of fire and steps of hope:
among echoes of screams,
we awaken the lance.

Echoes of the past
are shackles that bind us,
but we are titans in free...

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shadowslightmetalheavy metalexistenceechoesfatefirepastcrybattle

Whispers of Thornfield

On a rainy, silent night in Thornfield
the deserted streets, houses shrouded in fog
a town where time seemed to stand still
each shadow dancing beneath the flickering light
of the old train station
a relic of red bricks and worn wood

Clara Byrne waited
a young reporter, heart pulsating with mysteries
rumors swirling around her like the rain
about a train that departed at 11:59 PM

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Gone Girl

I collect up the pieces of my former life

Photos, articles, trinkets and pictures,

that reverberate with a life once lived,

far away from where  I am now.

I was once a borderline, edging death.

A cathartic catchpole where I caught nothing but pain. 

Grazing on the  remnants of the past, I realise 

that I was set up to fail.

No one there to see the beating heart of kindness.


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divorceseparationlifelovelightdarknesspastnew start

In golden light

The streets of the past have a golden hue

Known to only me and you

Forgoing the shy starlight

A golden youthful yellow delight


The nights were littered with gold

A yellow wind left to behold

Sunlight at night

What a golden honey sight


People, cars and dogs

Streaming through a yellow fog

Christmas fairs and hot chocolate

A warmth and love now forgot



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You can learn a lot about yourself in the dark..

The things that once terrified you no longer appear so large 
and that flame that you had to light for yourself 
will guide you to places that you didn't know existed

Thank yourself that you persisted 
You lit that fire in the damp, in the cold 
You nurtured it as it turned from a flicker to nothing but coal

Really, thank yourself for n...

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First Light

Dawn in my existence
swaddled by unconditional love
I point towards the ceiling
a laughing baby
and my first word comes
‘light, light’
And the smile on my mother’s face
first light…

Sun broke across the rooftops
seagulls chattering overhead
As a waking town began to stir
me in my best suit, you dressed in white
Finally, we’re here
dappled in dawn light, sweet light
and the smile on...

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