The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

silence (Remove filter)

Silence Needed

Today I woke Face soaked Eyes swollen. Today I woke with tears in my eyes. Drenched were the pillows on which I sleep Saturated like my soul… Finding no inspiration to leave the refuge of my bed … I sink deeper into the sodden bedding Dragging the covers over my head. Just two hours of restless slumber…two hours was all I managed. I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep… Drained…in everyway imaginable…dra...

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silencefearlovelosing someone


A cacophony of sound beats around 
inside my brain, deafening drops.

Sunday misery breaking the silence 
of yesterdays. Rainy Mondays, 
no hope for tomorrows.

We come and go. We come and go
when the floodgates of pain are open. 

Forgiveness closes doors 
left ajar in anger. 
Time moves forward, 
changes are subtle, 

Hope does damage to the living dead. 

Alone in...

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Silence (or is it something else?)

The silence is deafening


I'm not sure when the silence stopped being calming


At some point the comfort of quiet turned into a prison


It's not that there's no sound, not exactly


I think I just stopped listening 


Now I can't listen, even if I try


I think I just stopped remembering how


It's not that I can't hear, not exactly 


At some poi...

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Midday's sun lifts to touch the faint horizon,

a pale discus rolling slowly along,

then gone. The lonely writer, limned in crimson

at her window desk, her ego strong,

her spirits cold as the icy scene before her,


shakes her head, breathes deeply, turns blind

from winter as snow begins its feathery fall;

The heater roars its warmth like an angry hin...

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