The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

truth (Remove filter)


We’ll drink a drink a drink,

To an empire pink so pink,

The saviours of the human race.

The truth we speak is ever so profound,

We speak the truth in every case.

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Their Favourite Things

Bit of a cockup in original posting -here goes!

Their Favourite Things


Teardops they’re shedding; with lies they’ve been smitten,

“Bright sunlit uplands” still promised for Britons,

Brown paper packages, no attached strings,

Those are a few of their favourite things.


When reality bites, when the truth stings,
When they’re feeling sad,
They’ll simply remember their fa...

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TearsBritonsrealitytrutheconomicsunicornsEssex girlsBrexit


If there's a need to 

Wake up from a dream 

(If i am in one)

I'll simply close my eyes

And will go to sleep

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The Truth Will Out

Whatever you do. Whatever you say-
The truth shall always out one day.
It shall be seen. It shall be known -
Whether done with others or alone.

It shall be found out. It shall be discovered.
It shall be unravelled and uncovered.
What you've spent. What you've saved,
What you've said and how you've behaved.

How hard you've tried. How much you've learned,
We'll see what you've seized an...

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Stuart VannerTruth

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