The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The One

People haven’t always 

been there for me, 

but the muse always has. 


Lighting my path, 

healing heartbreak, 

the one making life fun. 


Makes sure suffering is not in vain, 

dances with me in the rain, 

stays beside me come what may. 


I return the favor by making

my muse’s words known. 

Spreading love as we go.

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You compare yourself with me,

You tell the world I am wrong.


When you were the one who cheated since day 1,

And I was the who stayed loyal even when I had reasons not to be one.


I loved you unintentionally ,

You betrayed me all intentionally.


 I  healed you, 

You broke me.


I heard you out,

You neglected me.


I stood by your side, 

You left m...

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Death May Be The King Of Terrors

Death May Be The King Of Terrors


Each brush stroke of a word painter

Smeared bloody crimson red

Seen through eyes that recognise

The things that can’t be touched

Behind accumulated layers of gore

Where shadows are the surface

What is felt is hidden behind

What is seen 


So your mind fills in the gaps

gives corporeality to the phantom

even as the scalpel ni...

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napowrimo2020day 14stephen kinginfluencemaster of horrorwriterimagination


I want to tell you how incredibly

imaginative, creative, talented

I think you are with your poetry,

writing, music, art...

but I hesitate to expose our

eggshell-covered egos, 

fuel rejection, 

ignite impostor syndrome...

all live wires 

that threaten to electrocute

our fragile muse 

into submission 

of a numbed,

comfort-zone life. 

So, instead of shouting


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