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sadness (Remove filter)

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She left home

She left home like a stranger in the night

No goodbye for the parents behind her

Shattered, broken and distraought

This isn't what they thought


Estranged and departed

Seperated and disheartened

Where do you belong?

Now you know there's something wrong


Meanwhile the parents stay

Like sharks circling at your bay

Only time will tell

In heaven or hell



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Dear Absent Friend

Dear absent friend
Are you still there?
Do you still lurk in the places we used to?
Or have you moved on to pastures new?

Dear absent friend
Do I ever cross your mind?
Even on days with no rain from the skies 
It rains from my eyes

Dear absent friend
I long to hear your voice
For your asks I could not fulfill 
But I miss you still 

Dear absent friend
I hope that you are happy

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I am capable of love

Words can be weaponised
Be careful with the words you use
What might be a throw away sentence to you
Forever imprinted, taunting anothers mind 

When you chose these words 
Did you remember the things about me which only you know
The secrets I don't share freely 
But entrusted with you 

People have preconceived notions
Ready to label and validate assumptions
You saw behind the mask

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Dancing Darlings

Dancing sweet hearts wake one day
Summer break sing and play
Dancing darlings summers morn
Monday Mersey mums they mourn
Silent street dressed in flowers
Prayers on prayers crucial the hours
Dancing beauties nature's Purest
Harmonised with angels to heavenly chorus 

Beyond heartache Unforgettable day

Endless love to God we pray





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Angelssadnesstragedysouthport angelshealing

Night's Embrace

My eyes see in a monochrome light, a vivid world of grey.
Thoughts jumbled and troubled, caught in a caricature of a play.
A melancholy melody, humming through the shadows of my soul.
This symphony of sorrow, echoing, no joy can it cajole
Whispers of a silent woe, dancing with the ghosts of past.
The silence of this madness, a dark rite that seems to last.
A haunting echo of memories, clingi...

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sleepless nightmourning losssadnessinner thoughts

Angels Call

At a loss to know what happened, I did not see you fall
I wasn't  there, I didn't see when Angels came to call
A world without, memories now is all I see
I leave you now,  to say your own soliloquy.....

This is could be my own exposition,
Bills, money, world events, my own loneliness decision
People all around me but I'm hiding the pain
Physical illness or mental strife is all that I gain

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loss of humanitypain. sorrow. heart breaksuicide awarenessmental healthlosssadness

The Loss

Every loss is felt

Just as a ripple is spelt in water

Ever decreasing, calming asunder


A clock ticks in a house even emptier than before

The dark lingers in a hall still and sure

The cat rules now

Wondering why and how


Water weeps from a pungent wound

Never to be cleaned but to neglect and fester

Such a thought no beautiful sight could hinder

Leaving the los...

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Chicken Every Meal

I get a little tired of it - folks who seem to think

they must be happy all the time or else they’re on the brink

of some traumatic end, oh yes, like everything is bad

if once in a blue moon they have to deal with being sad.


It makes no sense to me at all. Just what do they expect?

They should be happy day and night and never get set back.

Well, I can’t grasp it, not at all....

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Ode to Percy…(a cats best friend)

Watching the leaves fall

Standing so tall

Waiting at the window

I still wonder

It wasn't so long ago



I can still see us

Haunting shadows in the dusk

Running, fighting, climbing

Making footprints in the snow



Your furry figure lingers at the edges of my mind

Gone but not forgotten

Your smile runs to hide



Sunny days fade away

As you...

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