truth (Remove filter)
Back Story
epics very scurrilous
but I took them all in,
crazy tales of passion
made mine seem thin
lovers by the dozen,
flights to every shore,
my ups and downs
a comparative bore
the facade collapsed,
your name's phoney,
landlord dropped by
called you Miss Toni
you talk up love but I
know not who you are,
little Miss Nobody or
exotic wandering sta...
Monday 14th December 2020 10:51 am
Reflections (View Through A Window)
In an otherwise empty building,
One lighted window.
Pot plants, and maybe someone standing
Beyond the curtain.
I can see buildings in the moonlit water,
A lake behind trees,
A tree behind glass,
Glass behind me,
A picture of myself.
My bardic table
Reflected on itself.
If I see four truths in one picture,
How many could there be?
Friday 4th December 2020 1:38 pm
Will you raise your voice for the oppressed
Will you demand Governmental redress
Will you speak on things that truly matter
Will you allow this illusion to truly shatter
Will you plant the seeds in the ears of youth
So they can discover the yield of truth
Will you speak up Will you scream
Will you have faith Will you dream
Will you turn up your volume for the silenced
Wednesday 28th October 2020 7:45 am
My Truth
The saying "speak your truth"
Doesn't apply to me.
My truth is the nail in my hand
It's a crown of thorns, mocking
Everything I believe.
Maybe I won't speak unless spoken to
Like a child.
My truth is nothing compared to
The universe You created, but
Somehow you still care.
My truth is being swept up in
Your love for me.
Maybe I will speak my truth.
Thursday 15th October 2020 9:45 pm
To Eat Or Not To Eat
I think of you way more than I probably should
I wish so much now that I somehow could
Turn back the hands of time, start again- rewind
Pull back the impulse, erase the hunger
Let logic and level headedness put my eagerness asunder
The state of being to which I now aspire
Is to be free of this want, all this desire
The thrill of longing, not so thrilling anymore
My hear...
Sunday 11th October 2020 2:11 am
it’s been three days
with clear blue skies
every morning
i stand in disbelief;
there’s nothing to obstruct the view
nothing to prevent the light from coming through
so why do i feel at unease?
because even now, the skies are just a tease
Thursday 1st October 2020 6:05 pm
The Truth In Hot Sudden Tears
Out of the blue they appeared
Composure broken, cast adrift
Lately she'd been evading me
My questions got short shrift
Nature can only take so much
Secrets discompose its skills
So long we had been at odds
Life an endless battle of wills
We had survived enough wars
Love adrift on waves of years
But nothing prepared me for
The truth in hot sudden tears
Friday 25th September 2020 11:14 am
Ignorant to society
Our ignorance makes colour just an illusion
We latch onto black and white for vision
Purifying our naivety, protecting our fears
Whether it be blood, sweat, or tears; no trace can be found
Recognition is the key to unearth beyond our judgemental lines.
We deny ourselves the truth, yet believe in immortality.
Observing a bag soar through the wind
Can you feel its freedom?
...Sunday 13th September 2020 10:39 pm
Modus Operandi
Deny, deny, deny,
modus operandi,
when caught in a lie.
Can pass a polygraph
while looking you in the eye.
Knowing what’s done in dark
eventually comes to light,
until such time,
deny, deny, deny!
Sunday 13th September 2020 8:00 pm
timepieces have reversed (part 1)
sprouting from the underground,
reaching for the light,
messengers of truth
tell us the news
spoken dreams
awaken us now,
emboldened by our own worth,
timepieces have reversed
our covert existence,
like buried keepsakes
begged for air,
pained to be bare
our struggles,
spotlight moments in
Hollywood movies; as we weep,
the only wa...
Sunday 23rd August 2020 10:11 pm
Call It What It Is
Heatwaves radiating across the country,
common occurrences every summer
now occurring every season.
Summer stretches long into Fall,
makes a cameo during Winter
And begins earlier every Spring.
It’s a heatwave, they say.
No, it’s global warming.
No, it’s now called climate change, haven’t you heard?
No, that’s all fake news.
It’s only a heatwave, you see.
...Friday 21st August 2020 4:46 pm
Proof read
I don’t need to proofread
I don’t even care.
My poetry is my heart, and I don’t need to
Check it over, because the thoughts I write
Are the thoughts that my heart evokes.
If the grammar is wrong, if the words are clunky,
If my explanation is off then that’s okay.
That’s what my heart wanted to say.
I don’t care whether anyone likes my words
They’re not for ...
Thursday 16th July 2020 3:34 pm
City Lights
City lights,
Half-hearted smiles
And ugly cries.
Bustling roads,
Narrow and broad;
Abundant with shops and bars,
And people- their bodies, minds and souls scarred.
Edifices tall and sturdy.
Trapped in it are people content and happy;
And those walking on thorns, barbed and merciless;
And those breathing but lifeless.
The city is a plac...
Monday 13th July 2020 9:44 am
The Truth Of Colour
The Truth Of Colour
The colour of humanity
Is not white skin
Or black skin
Not brown skin
Or yellow skin
It is the red blood
Of a beating heart
A blue shield
Is not the colour of humanity
When it takes a life
And all the greys
of muddled opinions
cannot change the truth
that a man could not breathe
because his skin colour
Saturday 6th June 2020 3:53 pm
Same Behaviour
Repitition was key
But never the key to success
The key to her chest
Was hidden in the black depth of her soul
Repitition was inevitable
Outsiders were impatient
And also knowledgable
About what was likely to happen next
Repitition was boring
A different mask for her to wear
To hide the recurring sadness
That she endured from his actions again
Friday 29th May 2020 9:24 pm
When you see a rainbow
A rainbow appears when there is sun and rain
The weathers equivalent of joy and pain
Grey clouds may come to darken your day
Sunshine and blue skies, will light up your way
A spectrum of colour created by reflection of light
An optical illusion, presenting an arc that delights
The rain subsides and the rainbow fades away
The sun breaks through, revealing a brighter day
...Monday 25th May 2020 6:44 pm
The "Corona" Special
So we all know this is bullshit, this thing called Corona Virus,
My friends and I don't wear masks and now people won't stand beside us,
Damn it's crazy that people still watch the news,
All they do is lie and it's owned by the Jews,
That doesn't make me a racist so please just relax,
Just look up the definitions and make sure you know your facts,
Can't you see this virus is one ...
Saturday 9th May 2020 11:12 am
Scary Things
Scary Things
That scary thing won’t happen.
Reject it; stand against it.
Get in its face, like a boss.
Break its nose; then laugh at its blood.
Has the worst thing come to pass?
How many times in your life?
That anxiety demon;
kills us a thousand times, before death.
I will pray about it now.
I will believe I am safe.
I will trust that I am free
I will give love, and love some mo...
Friday 10th April 2020 8:11 am
I Will Never Lie
I might use poetic license,
write stories and invent details,
tell tall tales, speak in parables,
exaggerate, embellish,
embroider, enlarge upon
or summarize and minimize.
I could write memoirs
about my illustrious,
impeccable career.
I could cite statistics
to prove a point,
maybe fudge the numbers.
I could hide information, omit details,
deny any knowledge
and glos...
Thursday 9th April 2020 2:07 pm
House of Giants
House of Giants
Through houses of Giants,
we crawl on our knees.
We slave for our feed,
and all of our need.
They have framed our life,
till the day we die
Through their house, we fly,
work, and drive.
Their bones corrupt us,
surround us, and stink.
Every word is no.
Every sign is stop.
Everything is wait.
I’m gonna escape.
I will find a way.
I will be free.
Wednesday 8th April 2020 4:34 pm
I Hate Lying
I Hate Lying
I hate lying;
it’s a weakness.
It shows a truth;
that others rule me.
If I have to lie;
it’s to avoid pain,
discomfort, and shame.
To make you feel good.
Slaves lie to the boss;
to save their lifeline.
But, to hell with him,
and his profit.
I live my life,
to never lie.
My freedom dies,
under your rules.
If I must lie,
you won’t be near.
I love to be ...
Tuesday 31st March 2020 6:03 pm
The Truth Within
I’ve drowned, too
trying to stay afloat
swimming in those eyes of ocean blue
navigating through hypnotic moves
and poetic words
that make you feel
he only has eyes for you
But in truth,
you’re another hole
he’s been trying to fill
another escape
to let his mind erase
the truth within
“Was I Just Another One?”
Saturday 21st March 2020 3:58 pm
Obey your honour and try to understand
That justice and truth must go hand in hand.
So try to be honest and try to be good
Never stray from doing just as you should.
So go into the world; perform great noble deeds.
Be courteous but don't be full of greed.
And whatever you say, be you old or youthful,
Endeavour to make all of those words truthful.
Then maybe you'd have a right to ...
Friday 13th March 2020 8:33 pm
I am African
I have learned that I am African that I have African blood
I have African brothers that protect me and will not let me fall
I've learned about the atrocities that slaves went through
I've walked through the dungeons and smelled and seen the horrors that slaves experienced
I stood in the female dungeon and heard the cries for help and felt the fear that these women went through
Friday 21st February 2020 6:14 pm
Seeking Truth
To surround yourself with artists
You discover you’re not stuck to this game,
There is more than just poems of pain;
Lustful nights,
The political daily life,
The chaos of family,
The bounty is aplenty.
Like the ocean explorer covering uncharted territory,
The poet must explore the deeper meaning of life.
We’re all alike,
We seek the truth;
In it we see the real you.
Monday 17th February 2020 3:03 am
Not me, dont judge
Because I wrote it dont judge, its not me
I wrote lots about the killer look i am still free
A poem calls out in my head
I write fast flowing then put it to bed
Any subject i am known to write
From love in an disused mine
To the ups and downs of a swine
Read me enjoy me but please
Its not me, i just like to tease
Enjoy the poem dont take it to heart
As specially ...
Tuesday 21st January 2020 11:07 am
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