The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

LOVE (Remove filter)


The cool wind soothes an over-heated heart

Like snow on a melting glacier

As sticks bloom with green

The dark fades into light


Winters' chill brings blankets and cosy times

Films stretch long like a lazy rhyme

Bereft of qaulity like a poorly planned crime 

But, more to the point, is the 'family time'


Daffodils warm in sunlight

Animals venture as Birds' fly


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SpringSummerlovehappinessseasonslifeWonderful timesyeahfun


If I look at you softly, will you embrace me?

Not with a physical touch, but with gentle words of comfort.

Will you see the raw vulnerability in my gaze, the unspoken longing for connection?

Will you meet me there, in that quiet space between us?

If I whisper my anxieties that swirl within, will you listen without judgement?

Will you hold space for my vulnerability, without trying t...

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December Rainy Night

Starring out my window this December rainy night,

all I can do is long for you again.

Sometimes I feel I’m over you, like maybe I just might

move on and forget about all that’s been.


But as the raindrops fall, all of the tears I hold inside

come tumbling down as blue skies turn to grey.

And then it doesn’t matter much, how hard I have tried

to let you go and go another wa...

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lovelosslongingloss lovelove hurts

sapiosexual - attracted to intelligence

practicing chiropractors
correct us —
posture up —
try, and
… stand upright

formless before the big bang
chaotic with a dark past, and
the light an omnipresent
cognizant force with foresight
for the universes future is in order

simulation theory
0’s & 1’s
the singularity
near infinite
expanding with each addition
times, O
multiplied it is still nil



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Milk Carton

How long is too long before concern spreads like the cancerous disease that precursors worry and anxiety?


                A week? A day? TBD may be the answer -


                A close-up of her face will do. 4 inches by 4 inches, with a description that would inspire all to help me find her. Strawberry, 2%, Whole and Chocolate. As long as I get the message out.



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Hoping she holds her breath

Agitation eats at my chest due to my un-feathered yearning for this person, she cannot begin to think about what she wants other than the bare necessity of breathing.

                Which implores me to wish she didn’t need to breathe, selfishly, so that I can then be an option for her. I'm sure another necessity would take sprout.

I’m not sure who is the root of the problem. A possible s...

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it's a grey morning fog

hazing over the landscape; the person ; love.

it makes distant       .

further away then it really is,


it blurs the lines. 

whispers,, "you are alone "

it's white noise 

hushing the love of the Sun  


drips into the earth between the soft skin of your feet  

makes slippery what you reach for 

An aeonian drab

a monochromatic moan,


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Like Her

I wish I was more like her.

The way she searches the stars makes the fireworks seem cursed. 

I felt it since the first time I laid eyes I was immersed. 

Her beauty was a habit and her love was like a purge. 

She cured me from my sadness and all the sins I’d stir. 

Trust me it was rebirth, the light inside her soul had given me a burn and then there were her curves.

I never felt a...

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