The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

real life (Remove filter)

A letter to my 6 year old self

They all told you to — “Grow up”.

Thank you for not listening.

Thank you for making up innocent fantasies
Rather than thinking of scary “what ifs”

Thank you for enjoying the present
Rather than drowning in the past
Or getting lost in the future

Thank you for laughing at silly things
instead of worrying about being “cool”

Thank you for eating as your body wished
instead of feari...

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adulthoodreal lifelifestyleI did goodlove

Me, Myself and I

Dear me, did they throw thorns along your way?
did you let them prick you while you knelt to pray?
Tell me, did they ever listen to you?
or did they just stand afar
while your whole world turned blue?


It must’ve been hard, but i’ll tell you what
I’ll share the pain that’ll flow through your cut
I’ll be there to pick those needles out
I’ll be there to hear you out


But promise...

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