The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Time Could Last Forever

We live our lives together
Breathing the same air
Yet never help each other
It makes life hard to bear.

So much could be made better
In just a little time
And time could last forever
If we just use it right.

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meditationshort poempath of lifetimeefforteternitylegacycharitygenerositycommunitysocietyposterity

Moments Like These

I wish I never had to sleep
A vigil I would gladly keep
About your bed.

I'd watch you breathing out and in
Your eyelids gently fluttering
As if you dreamt.

You will not always be so close
That I can watch you in repose
Life takes such speed.

And now it is I most regret
The frailty that makes us forget
Moments like these.

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forgetfulnesslifemagical momentsmeditationmemoriesparenthoodtime

A Winter Escape

Thank you to talented local musician Stuart Bell for turning it into a lovely Christmas ditty! 


(a re-post, but it seems more appropriate now! ⛄)


Like comets we slid through the crisp, white grass

In our wake billowed a powder-puff mass

It floated and swirled and twinkled with light

Like low-hanging stars broke free of the night


And in snow-laden fields angels were...

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The sounds of the ocean waves crashing as if they were  talking to me saying , " Breathe, be free."

The sound of the wind whispering in my ear, break your chains, run, run,run, don't you dare look back

My eyes closed, my heart beating fast, wondering when will the world stop spinning round and round

When will my light be free to shine

When will my soul be freed  from yours

When will...

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Memories In The Now

Your smile, your laughter was the light during the nighttime 

Your touch, The way your fingers would caress my soul 

Your voice , like soft melodies playing in my mind

Your time, if you had to say, it was well spent

Your life, was a gift; a small brown box draped in red ribbon 

our memories are embedded in my heart

I can feel it as if it were now. 



In memory of Chris...

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DeathmemoriesmemoryloveLove lostLove lost love foundtimemourning

The Lantern

Your heart sags wrinkled now

Old and grey before its time

Ravages shown in bandy legs

A heavy toll of frost and rime


Tarry not till your heart is old

Make hay afore night descends

Time rips fast and none knows

When life sinks low and ends


Once your heart was fanciful

Joys were the order of the day

Now its an armchair and pills

Listening to what doctors sa...

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hooded figureoldsinsthe lanterntimewrinkled heart


​​​​​​Wintry nights, no sun shines

Where to bloom there's no place for gloom by my side

By the time, I will withered away 

But indelible marks wouldn't fade away 

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A Thousand Years Ago


It’s happened all before:

People lived and loved

A thousand years ago,

Or so.


They had petty squabbles

And were late for work

They spent money they didn’t have

And bought things they didn’t need

They lived and died

And laughed and cried

A thousand years ago,

Or so.


Men chased their lovers

And they wined and dined

And made love under the cove...

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 There is a way in the window

I sit here thinking of them all

How to set myself free from the weight of it all

Is there time for it or am I just a glaze of dust in it all

I rather believe that time isn’t important

It’s just something that keeps us going

Time isn’t the problem it’s the value of it that controls us all

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Nobody knows me,

Not even myself

I meet people everyday

I talk , I laugh , I smile

Others say that I lie.


I’m complicated, orphic

 hard to understand

Just like the way we don’t know                                                                                                                      what happens in between the oceans.                         


I’m an...

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Time is not a demon

He is many things but not

  a murder

Neither is he money

 nor power

He is wise enough 

 to be wise enough.

Time is not celebration either

Time is infinity, is immortal

He is wise enough to be wise enough


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Soul Songs

Your poetic words 

bring comfort

my mind

cannot comprehend. 

Floating in the

healing waters

of your soul, 

is my favorite pastime. 

Two stars colliding,

creating a kaleidoscope 

of time. 

In the space 

of your song, 

life is sublime.

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The Quiver Of Fond Lips

I never used to look at people's faces

My body language was out of kilter

Then I met you and saw the world

Through a life-changing filter


The thing about you that gets me

Is the quiver of merciful lips

On a mouth adorning the face 

That leaves my heart in bits


The quiver of fond lips cant be beaten

It makes my soul leap and rhyme

Should yours ever stop quive...

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Yesterday is Better than Tomorrow

Yesterday is Better than Tomorrow 

Ujjal Mandal, India, July 06, 2020

Yesterday is faithful, 
It came to me  before today.
Tomorrow is unfaithful, 
It may come or not.


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Timeold times

Hand Count

Hand Count


Sixty times a minute

I have travelled round this face

Three thousand six hundred times an hour

I have faithfully kept pace

Eighty six thousand four hundred times a day

I’ve ticked along

Six hundred and four thousand eight hundred times a week

Always right and never wrong

Eighteen million one hundred and forty four thousands times an average month


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napowrimo2017day 30(91)clocktimeagain & againpassing timeprocrastinationlive lifeseconds

Midnight At The End Of Time

They say it will soon be over

That it's just a teenage thing

They dont know what they're saying

Last night I gave you my ring


Its like I'd known you forever

We seem to go back to Creation

To the shrine of Adam and Eve

We send our invitation


Midnight at the end of time

Midnight at the end of time

I'll love you at least until

Midnight at the end of time


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Funerals for old men

In a cold cream brick chapel,

That should've never been built,

Was buried a man who was ill understood.

Redeemed in the minutes just before he had died

Look away now, this is not where he lies.


The truth can be found deep in the woods,

Beyond the dampest and darkest of familial 'shoulds'

It's sound slithers, and wrenches and wriggles so fine,

To open the door to this s...

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old friend

Give me some time
to remember
who I was
when we met
you might not like
who I am now


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Always Love You

I will always love you. For the sun and the moon to know, to let the fear flow, to let the earth turn slow. Universe is for the lovers...



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Her Heart, My Heart

move a beat binding  

pulse together,

two halves holding

the tailed ricochets

making rhythm this

romantic headache,


hammering allure,


ambidextrous adoring,

we could equally,

elope a pre-set,

picking the pace-

a metronome dragging,

the default off-beat,





I steal the second-

with her heart beating-

with my hea...

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The Epitome

Those shadows the epitome of time

let me bruise them so they cannot move,

make those pale moments clearer

in the light of the hurt-

a life no longer drenched

in shapes eclipsing the stopwatch,

now I can pause time when I want to

escaping the minutes for hours,

see the clouds in still shift,

alluding to an illusion

of some fading minute,

the hands of the clock skim ...

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Event Horizon

Event Horizon



I looked out of my window

The man taking his dog for a walk

The mother and child hand in hand

School children hopping and skipping along

Neighbours chatting over a fence

The postman delivering parcels

A cat slinking under the hedge

The wind whipping leaves

The rain falling




I looked out of my window

The dog ...

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calendarchancecovid-19day by daydue courseevent horizonfuturetime


A million moments.


to a picture,

mortality hung to an aged nail

wearing those seconds in coated amour.

a relic to all those too quick to cherish...

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