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Hearts Of Hers

Heart of mine
Won't you stand at my side?
Stop your traitorous speeding,
So that my cheeks may stop heating.
What is it about her,
That her whole being allures
What is it about her,
That has me needing more


Who gazes at me as if I 
Am the one who in the east rises
Who sees me wholly,
Not for who I pretend to be.
Who has replaced my blood,
as my life's elixer,

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longingloveromancePassionPoemheartsoul matemeaningpoetryqueer

a somewhat sensual vision on Margate Street : Sunday, 11th

 Soundcloud Link

      (iv) voice...
reverberating ultrasound syllables
her breath
ALL wax lyrical from her gold frond tongue
dripping maple syrup rhythm
all over
              & through me

gold rush pulsing in my veins
to the tune of a hypnotic narcotic. 

her tongue is an aspergillum
soaking me
from head to denim
in holy water
& my once bland arid gard...

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Buried Within…

The invisible truth and

The voiceless words

Both are pertinent …still today


There was no escape route

Nor there will be one any day

Still I’m with your memories


Maybe not so memorable

Like the penned down words

Of the love poems


Or like the melancholic lovers

With the old photographs

Torn, yet not faded out completely


Mine was not so with...

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loversmodern liferomance

Moon in the Morning Sky

So out of place

Yet so beautiful 

Like the moon

In the morning sky

Losing its shine

And relevance 

With the Rising Sun.

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A Glance into Romance

While admiring the happy couple I feel bliss.

Then my stomach sinks.

The heart-shattering realisation that I will never acquire that same affection.

Some humans are not built for romance, and I am shamefully one of them.

I do not want your roses. I do not care for your false proposes.

All I want is to be seen.

For someone to not love me for my skin, but for my soul.

Many eyes ...

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