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Poetry (Remove filter)

Poem: And He Whispered...

Trying to understand
my place in this complicated world,
my soul was sorely troubled -
And He whispered to me softly.

Trying to comprehend
my divine purpose within His Family,
my desires were unfocused -
And He whispered to me gently.

By giving myself completely to Him,
I found absolute abundance
that's sustained by Salvation's foundation -
And He whispered to me quietly...


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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigAnd He Whispered

Poem: White for Harvest

Fields are white for harvest
with souls rotting on the vines;
graft them into the Kingdom now,
while there is still time.

Fullness of Life's abundance is available,
when connected to the True Vine;
but how to reach others when -
Christians don't heed the warning signs?

Workers may not be plentiful,
yet, faithful ones always find the fruit;
productive lives are highly visible
from em...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigWhite for Harvest

Poem: Why Would You Love Me?


Oh, my Lord...
Why would You love me?

Your greatness exceeds human comprehension
and Your wealth surpasses the Earth's riches.
In Your mind's eye, my life has been viewed
and my judgment awaits its sentencing.

Before my existence, Your Blood was cruelly shed -
spilled for my sins, both conceived and committed.
You made Yourself vulnerable to man's hatred
for saving flawed souls, ...

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breunigchristian poetryfaithpoetryWhy Would You Love Me

Free Poetry Book

Well when I say book I mean a pdf file that is readable on Kinfle, iBooks etc.

If you'd like a copy of my latest missive, Scratch, send me an email with Scratch as the title tp

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free poetrykindlenookibookspoetrygiveaway





It’s still remembered today

The bomb that didn’t explode

That crashed through the church ceiling

During the Second World War

Sparing some three hundred lives


A replica may be seen

Here in the vestry corner

At St Mary’s in Mosta

With photos of the soldiers

Called to make the real bomb safe


And despite votive candles


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David SubacchiLiverpool PoetsMaltapoetryWelsh Poets

Poem: The Partridge in the Pear Tree

The symbolism of this Christmas classic
has a second, hidden meaning for the ages.
For this song has an ulterior motive,
contained in verses that seem outrageous.

Christ is the truest fulfillment of Love,
in the primary doctrine of Christianity;
therefore, He is the focus of each refrain,
being the sin offering on Crucifixion’s tree.

The pair of turtle doves represents books,

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breunigchristian poetryfaithpoetryThe Partridge in the Pear Tree

Poem: Drawn To You

The softness of Your quiet voice
penetrates my spirit with utmost clarity -
For being drawn to you
comes more than naturally.

The constant woes of earthly cares
lack all meaning and worth
when I'm consumed by Your presence
and experience my spiritual rebirth.

Despite the magnificent beauty
of this planet's garden fields,
I would willingly exchange it
for the brilliance that Heaven y...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigDrawn To You

Poem: Brought to Enlightenment

We must learn to do
and not weakly try;
for with Christ, all is possible -
Just stop asking "Why?"

Bow before Him on bended knees,
for His Ways are superior to ours.
Spend quality time in prayer
and not simply waste precious hours.

To be brought to enlightenment,
one must learn on his own.
Yet, the secret is simply this -
Go before God and His Throne.



Author Note:


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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigBrought to Enlightenment

Poem: Fragile, Flawed and Easily Broken

Despite imperfections of this body,
my shell is an earthen clay jar
that's fragile, flawed and easily broken,
letting the Light of Christ shine.
Though not pretty on the outside,
I won't be mistaken
for a white-washed tomb -
God can use my weakness
to display His greatness.
I've chosen to be submitted
to His Will and Plan for my life.
In spite of exterior chips, dings and nicks,

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigFragile Flawed and Easily Broken

In Infamy

Yesterday, a day which now, will live amongst us for all time,
For history has changed its path
And we must fall in line.
For we at peace, with guarded arms, we chose to watch this from afar,
But we, deliberately attacked,
Must no more stand apart.

An Emperor, through wicked lies, convinced us of continued peace,
But sickening deceit was this,
As they slipped underneath.
For yesterday ...

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pearl harbourpearl harborwaramericapoempoetry

Poem: Immortality

Ahhh... Immortality.

After the death of my earthly flesh,
my spirit will fully embrace it.
For I'm truly made
in my Creator's Image
and filled with His Divine presence.
How can anyone doubt...
The premise of my logic?

Ahhh... Immortality.



Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009,...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigImmortality

Poem: Show of Hands

Despite the differences of skin color
and our cultural upbringings,
we're more than brothers of Mankind -
Technically, we're kin.

Go to the mountain
preserved by ice and snow
where the revelation of Ararat's secret
is available for everyone to know.

For the ark's existence
proves the global flood story is true
and being our brother's keeper...
Is still a right thing to do.


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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigShow of Hands

The Cart

Inspired by the cart on the patio at Carob Cottage, Ilgaz, North Cyprus

The Cart

Broken down cart
Ornamental on patio.
Past cargo
Hay, grain, carob and olives.
Cypriot Wagoner
Long gone.
Donkey or horse
Living engine, now dead.

Journeying here
Pulling there.
Carter whistling
Sometime singing.
Folk songs of old
Clip, clop beat the hooves.
Rattling chains
Rubbing hames.


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modern poetrypoetrymemoriestransporttimes past

Poem: The Cross, Stark and Still

Into the depths of untold depravity,
a perfect creation had fallen away;
unimagined grace poured out from our God above -
As His Hand of wrath was firmly stayed.

The Cross, stark and still, standing upon a naked hill...
subtly calls for the World's attention.

Since the dawn of everlasting time,
our Savior awaited His appointed day;
despite humanity's race to certain doom -
His Hand ...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigThe Cross Stark and Still

Poem: Today's Great Undead Poets

Today's great undead poets,
awash in the internet sea,
seek to fill the void of sensible emptiness
of our cyberspace world.
Following the heroic tradition of Man,
these daring individuals look to gain acceptance
through the expression of concepts.
Mirroring the virility and vitality of Life,
in defiance of critical naysayers,
the blankness of virtual paper
is scribbled upon with hurt, ho...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigTodays Great Undead Poets

Poem: And Yet His Hand...

Despite the trials of this earthly world
and the continued foolishness of men,
God wants His Principles completely unfurled -
For He loves His Children, while hating sin.

His anger is not turned away
and yet His Hand is outstretched still.
Our Salvation awaits its appointed day
with the meshing of our spirits to His Will.

As long as we continue to breathe,
there's Hope for us to lov...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigAnd Yet His Hand


No-one was harmed

when it went off, although

there were plenty of casualties

by the end of the night.


I’m still finding bright sparkly

ruby-red 30s under the sofa

to this day. I ate that much

meat that week it


nearly turned me vegetarian.

I smiled and said: “Sod it,

I bet we won’t do this when

we’re septuagenarians,” and


you agreed with me. My


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Around the shadowed corner, wicked lies,
Through telescopic lens and focussed eyes.
The autumn trees encapsulate the path
And crunch beneath the wheels they idolise.

The building crowds descend before the knoll
To catch a glimpse of this passing idol.
He, showered from all sides with the applause
And peppered from above by seasons fall.

Idyllic is this scene to which he greets,
As smi...

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americaassassinationJohn F kennedymurderonassispoempoetry

Poem: For Your Review

Once my earthly journey is complete,
humbly I'll stand before Your judgment seat.
So in advance I faithfully pray to have
a positive ruling for you to mete.

Grace and mercy carried me;
Your covering on my life you should see.
Hopefully You'll remember that I
promoted Your Kingdom for eternity.

Despite flaws and failures absurd,
hidden in my heart is Your Holy Word.
An attitude of lif...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigFor Your Review

Poem: The Bridegroom Cometh

Preparations by the Groom have been completed;
He joyfully awaits the day
that marks the remainder of eternity
when the Church shall be swept away.

He has created a wondrous place
where rows of mansions are perfectly aligned.
Angels will sing beautiful songs
announcing souls' arrival; including yours and mine.

Despite imperfections of His bride,
the Lord daily intercedes with heartfel...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigThe Bridegroom Cometh

Poem: Human Behavior

It's hard to extol the merits of mankind
and to lavish excessive praise is insane;
recognize the gamut of vain emotion
and treatment of our brothers that's inhumane.

The natural nature of man is hardly good -
Proof is found in our vocabulary;
despite incredible accomplishments of this world,
poor relationships of man to extremes are still carried.

Our literature and news is littered

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigHuman Behavior


Where is it from
 How does it come.
 Let it flow
 From heart to.
 Magic of brain
 Scribbled on paper.
 Not an engine
 Never false.

 Tapping keys
 Think of love.
 Of humanity
 And experience.
 Arriving from a fountain
 Mysterious and pure.
 Symbiotic composition
 Without conscious thought.

 Honeyed words
 But not too sweet.
 Syrup disrupts reading
 Lost in the goo.
 Write no...

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Poem: If I Were...

If I were...
truly illuminated, what would you see?
Could the brightness of Christ fully shine
and the persona of me disappear?

If I were...
gifted, in other unknown ways.
Would I be able to discover them
or would I choose to deny them anyway?

If I were...
blessed, beyond Earthly needs.
How much of myself would I be willing to share,
besides just money and possessions?

If I were....

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigIf I Were

Poem: Human Warranty

Etched into the soul's fine print
should be the motto "Handle with Care";
but Man's nature to ignore instruction
is manifested in Life's disrepair.

To have God's Word in written form
could be viewed as a "Human Warranty",
where divine ground rules for all
has abundance in the best that Life can be.



Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigHuman Warranty

Poem: Evening Sky

Gazing into a starry night,
I see a deep indigo sky
with perfect placement of twinkling light.
Stars reveal the expanse of time
from before the birth of humanity;
their existence came from dynamic energy
which was created by spoken word
that no man has ever heard.
Solitary spirit of awesome might
painted this heavenly canvas
with a flick of His hand and uttered thought.
Divine creation ...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigEvening Sky

I Won't Go Down, Not Even With Alice

we, the understated,
the lazily represented,
decree that
once the poetry
bends at the knee
in the gilded confines
of SW1
it is another victory
swung the way
of surrender
better, say we,
to be a person of interest
than acquiescent metrist
invited to tea

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buckingham palacecontemporarypoetry

Poem: Avoiding Hell?

Have you sealed your fate
with the rejection of Him?
Accept Christ now
before your life wears thin.

For in permanent separation
there's no God or peace -
Only continual torment and anguish
without any comfort or release.

Alone in the dark
as fallen angels without light,
you too will become a demon creature
lacking hope of spiritual sight.

Forget about Purgatory,
but make a decis...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigAvoiding Hell

Poem: Waiting on You

When floating in the sea of despair,
never give up hope, for the Lord is already there.
For in the time of your darkest hour,
you can tap into His Dunamis power.
Addressing Earth's challenges requires a key -
As a child of His, you must yourself see.
To assure that your earnest prayers are heard,
you need to hide in your heart His Holy Word.
For out of your mouth, His Word you should speak...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigWaiting on You

Poem: As a Joint Heir with Thee

What a blessing it would be
as a joint heir with thee,
sharing the Father's affection
for the numerous days of eternity!

What a honor you've bestowed upon me
as a joint heir with thee,
being adopted by the universal King
and connected to the divine, family tree.

What a grand responsibility
as a joint heir with thee,
proclaiming your name and love
to the World's expanse of humanity.


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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigAs a Joint Heir with Thee

Poem: My Soul Now Sings

My invisible scars
are plain for anyone to see,
as I blindly journey on...
This path of Christianity.

Wanting deliberate faith
ready on my tongue,
I received God's Salvation
when I was dumb and young.

Inflicted wounds to my soul
from a lack of understanding
have been healed by the Power
of Christ's personal anointing.

I am worth dying for
according to His Word...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigMy Soul Now Sings

Poem: Only Your Adoration

The essence of God is within,
looking to spring forth in your life.
You have been greatly blessed,
but may be unable to recognize it.
Learn to die to selfish desire
and enable His Spirit to be activated.
All that God requests is your adoration.
Giving praise and singing hymns to Yaweh
means He has captured your heart -
Therefore, your love for Him is... Genuine.




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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigOnly Your Adoration

Poem: Prism to our Past

A humbling profession is
Biblical archaeology,
where people are found prostrate -
Searching for glimpses of Man's history.

Forgotten souls and evidence have been
covered by layers of earthly dust,
as recent discoveries now include...
The decoding of Israel's "Exodus".

An eclectic collection of artifacts
of the "Hyksos Expulsion" have been laid bare
by Simcha, the "Nake...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigPrism to our Past

Book Review by Ellen Tanner Marsh: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory

As reviewed by NY Times best selling author

Ellen Tanner Marsh


Any Christian surveying the current state of modern poetry could easily become discouraged, given that much of that poetry can only be categorized as nihilistic. At worst, such poems seemingly promote despair and violence-against society, the church, or even against oneself. At best, they consist of self-centered whini...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigBook ReviewEllen Tanner MarshReaching Towards His Unbounded Glory

Poem: Silent Words Are Useless

I've got my opinions as any other;
Hopefully, I'll be clear and you'll understand
that our silent words are useless -
For the trees will willingly clap their hands.

The one true God spoke into existence
the birds, fishes, plants, mammals, Earth
and all forms of life including...
Humble beginnings of Mankind's birth.

The sound of our individual voices
is something that Go...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigSilent Words Are Useless

Poem: Giving Tithes to God

Revelations of the heart
regarding how one's money is spent
echoes volumes about character
and our God-given talents.

For Jehovah is far from being poor;
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
He's not into ungodly extortion
to keep you from paying your bills.

By serving two masters,
one will be dearly loved - the other sorely hated;
so one can never be truly happy

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigGiving Tithes to God

Workshopping Seamus


(To be read in Heaney’s ‘reading voice’.)


My chisel’s cold appraisal

Blunt as an English Master’s stare

Probes the poem for its pith.


Non sequiturs stacked neatly

Drying in a metaphoric sun

Supported by a splay of beams.


Redundancy is everywhere

Making the poet poorer than Midas

Who dare not spend a penny

Lest the golden flow shoul...

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The Poetic Bond III


THE POETIC BOND III, ISBN 978-1492384199, published 5 October 2013

Poetry of the MOMENT, from across the PLANET, poetry of our WORLD

Poetry that documents the Contemporary Zeitgeist

Poetry that explores, illuminates and examines the Human Condition


Poetry from


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Poetic BondTrevor MaynardPoetryAnthologylovesocietyhuman condition

Poem: Moments of Clarity

Oh, how I desire more
of Your Light's essence,
to clearly penetrate
the core of my being.

How much can I endure
without Your Presence?
Though I may be frustrated,
it's You Lord, I'm believing.

It's been said before,
in Your Word's eloquence -
"nothing new" has been stated
and it agrees with what I'm seeing.

Moments of clarity, at the door
of Your Kingdom's bri...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigMoments of Clarity

Poem: On God's Mountain

To be on your mountain top
with an elevated view,
could my chances increase
for getting a glimpse of You?

Standing barefoot in your presence
before a burning bush consumed,
would your glory envelop me
as a spiritual womb?

Moses saw your backside,
but show me instead your face and eyes.
Having direct interaction with you
should cause my faith to be revised.


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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigOn Gods Mountain

Poem: Prone to Error

Challenges in Life are meant to be,
assisting us to reach maturity.
For our reaction to circumstance
marks personal growth beyond luck and chance.
Proven is our ability to learn,
expanding mental constraints as hearts burn.
Walking in upright, godly perfection
complements Jehovah's desire for Man's compassion.
The lasting goal is surely not religious fervor,
but moving past ou...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigProne to Error




the brooding


with paper cut


stares at a wall

of graffiti

and thinks

I could do that

so he picks up

a spray can


his feelings

in dribbling

white letters

fifteen feet high

his blood

becomes molten

his rage is

a torrent

of years

without voice

a scream

to be heard


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Thirty Plus Years In An Open Necked Shirt

Thirty Plus Years In An Open Necked Shirt.


On seeing John Cooper Clarke @ Wakefield Theatre Royal (29/9/13)


Johnny Clarke, Johnny Clarke

a walking bag of bones

staggers out onto the stage

like Keith Richards from the Stones

rapid, machine gun delivery

sprays audience with Salford tones

jitters, jives, ducks and dives

whilst wrestling with the micr...

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john cooper clarkePerformance Poetspoetrypunk poetrytheatre Royal Wakefield


We are wronged by people daily,
but to not forgive is unconscionable.
The Universal King had died for all;
for in eternity's view, we're pardonable.

He has given absolute amnesty
to everyone who has accepted Him.
Make no mistake about this unmerited immunity -
Grace's favor (over the course of Life) wears thin.

Death is inevitable, and our spirits
this mor...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigForgiveness

September 11, 2001

Failing to understand
why our nation is great,
an opportunity was sought
by souls cowardly lying in wait.

Focused on pure evil
as they have continually done,
an unholy attack was unleashed
on a day now known as 9-1-1.

Via the destruction
of New York's "Twin Towers"
the enemy crushed a symbol
of U.S. monetary power.

Beyond the resources to rebuild,
our country ...

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poetrybreunig9-1-1september 11attack on usa


Visionless is no way to be:
having sight, yet unable to see.
Soul's blindness that's dark and deep
indicates your spirit is fast asleep.

Use the Word to ignite your inner spark
and awaken your slumber by the Lord's Light.
To have Life's purpose and meaning for self
promotes character and personal delight.

Having vision is intended for all,
so get fitted with some new gla...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigVisionless

Danger of Zealous Fervor

Yes, the goal is to reach souls;
but at what further cost?
Unacceptable is using fear as mind control
for reaching those considered 'lost'.

When not as an example of victorious living,
the principles of God appear to lose credibility.
If not demonstrating a God that's loving,
then appeal of the Kingdom lacks desirability.

To berate skeptical souls with Hell's threat

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigDanger of Zealous Fervor


In the quiet garden of Heaven,
one day I'll walk beneath the trees
with the coolness of God's Spirit
flowing more gently than an Earthly breeze.

In the royal kingdom of priests,
I'll run barefoot on streets of soft gold,
overwhelmed by the perfection of peace,
following where angels had previously strolled.

Before the awesome throne room,
I'll exude continual heartfelt p...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigEternity

September Sisters

Twin sisters, both alike in majesty,
In New Manhattan, where we set this scene,
From arid lands flocks an old enemy,
To scorch the earth of this, a western dream.

From fateful skies the fatal flights descend,
But none the wiser to their pending fate,
The man and child, to happy affairs tend,
Their future sealed beneath a veil of hate.

Through vacant city clouds, their path...

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9/11americadeathpoempoetryseptember 11terrorism

A Sinner Like Me

Pushing this flesh into alignment,
guided by The Word most holy and pure,
I'm striving to learn principles
for a sanctified life to endure.

My Lord loves me without hesitation
and allowed a part of Himself to die.
He's calling me homeward without reservation;
by His Spirit, to His side, I'll eventually fly.

Knowing I'm a child of His,
during trying times I find true enco...

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A Sinner Like Mebreunigchristian poetryfaithpoetry

His Blessings

His blessings upon my life flow -
No matter where I am
or wherever I happen to go.

Overcoming the curse of Mankind,
is a consuming, infinite Love
from the One declared divine.

As I continue inside His Will,
sheltered by Sacrificial grace,
His many promises are fulfilled.

Truly blessed, to be a blessing
is simple for anyone to see -
As I'm fully submerged... in God...

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breunigchristian poetryfaithHis Blessingspoetry

Alliteration Poem About Anger

















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My Proverbs 31 Wife

My earthly desire is to have...
a woman comprised of softness,
both in flesh and soul.
Her presence offsets the hardness
of everyday living that bluntly smacks me.
To be with a spirit, overflowing with joy,
greeting me daily with unexpected sweetness,
soothes all internal bruises from
the day's accumulation of subtle brutality.
Rubies belie her value to me;
her natural radia...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigMy Proverbs 31 Wife

Spiritual Irony

Foolishness of Jehovah
exceeds the wisdom of Mankind;
torture by crucifixion
was to serve as a deterrent
to stop all forms of crime.

Inhumane treatment
demonstrates insatiable blood thirst
in a vain attempt to bring out
the best character of man
by placing World's justice system first.

However, death of the Innocent Lamb,
a perfect sacrifice God did decree
to bridg...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigSpiritual Irony

For Upon My Head, Nothing Gold Can Stay

Standing at the threshold
of Death's ultimate door,
my last gasp escapes me...
As I've never experienced before.

Into the Heavenly realm
I ascend in wonderment,
now housed in an incorruptible body
and thankful that from sin I did repent.

Standing in God's throne room
freed of all Earthly flesh,
my spiritual essence is energized
and feeling fully refreshed.

Now g...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigFor Upon My Head Nothing Gold Can Stay

Enjoy This Season

Withering grass of this season
with your abundance of green,
take advantage of Today -
Contribute to this Earthly scene.

Enjoy your present strength;
ignore worries of the past.
Let the distant failures fade
and let sweeter memories last.

Be true to yourself always,
standing tall and strong.
Focus on your own meadows and...
Learn to hum to Life's song.




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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigEnjoy This Season

She, Mourning

She pressed her hand against the marble, felt its words,
Ran her weathered finger through the crafted names.
Many faces that had long since adventured,
Left for others lingering to bear the pain.

The autumn sun caressed its face and warmed the stone,
She drew it through her skin and let it stay a while.
Her silver head was bowed, her company her own,
To spend a few more moments...

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New Collection Available

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poetrynew collectionbook

Coming soon

Currently compling my second collection of poetry.

It will be available in paperback in the usual places but also as a free pdf file to download and read on your reader of choice


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publishingnew bookpoetryvanityfreepdfebookpaperback

My Poetry













In writing poetry

I am a hack.

But I enjoy

writing so give

me some slack.


With the

comments don't

be mean, or

overly critical.


Please be


and please

be political.



This poem was not written

about anyone on

This is jus...

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Sonnet for Drummer Lee Rigby, posted on behalf of Robin Parker from Langley Writers


When soldiers travel as a fighting band,
Part of the risk is they might kill or die.
Back home in England’s green and pleasant land,
The sounds of battle are a far off cry.
Yet on the streets of London hatred sounds;
A young off duty soldier hacked to death.
Brave women out of kindness tend his wounds
And comfort him until his dying breath.
The ...

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Neon Light

The cigarette smoke hangs heavy in the air.

Looks good in films

But in real life,

In this place it clings to you

Like a broken dream.


The neon beer light covers many sins

And many more failed lives.

In the corner sits a man,

Pondering if tonight

Will be his last.

Time for one more drink.


He won’t be the last to sit under this neon light.


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poemlifedeathfree versepoetry

Neon Light

Playing with the idea of this place.Aplace which takes in lost souls..Is it a good place or bad place.

Time will tell.


The cigarette smoke hangs heavy in the air.

Looks good in films

But in real life,

In this place it clings to you

Like a broken dream.


The neon beer light covers many sins

And many more failed lives.

In the corner sits a man,


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poemlifedeathsmokepoetryfree verse

Neon Light

Playing with the idea of this place.Aplace which takes in lost souls..Is it a good place or bad place.

Time will tell.


The cigarette smoke hangs heavy in the air.

Looks good in films

But in real life,

In this place it clings to you

Like a broken dream.


The neon beer light covers many sins

And many more failed lives.

In the corner sits a man,


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poemlifedeathsmokepoetryfree verse

The Final Draft

The Final Draft


Always seeking synthetic success, for

reasons no psychiatrist is unsure

of. Like Andromeda’s black hole, the core

is unstable, and breathes in media whores’

influences and agendas. Your IQ

is beyond atomic numbers, but you

are consumed like an ale in Bavaria.

Past Plutonium thoughts grow scarier,

whilst lost dreams entwine with absent lo...

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The Final DraftGeorge Stanworthpoetry

The Hitting Game

The Hitting Game



On the island’s south side

a solitary town fizzes

like overloaded circuitry

on dark, motherboard hills.


Across a sticky, smooth-tiled walkway

an amusement arcade spills

a test of sexiness based on how clammy your palm is

and the hitting game.


You spin in coins so they register

on sensors worn numb. 

A padded st...

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Graham Cliffordpoetryholidaygamearcade


By Nick Armbrister
Zoos Comet
Her empty lies mean more than all the halls of silence.
We've been shafted, double penetrations are the worst.
Are they excited at where they'll wake up after committing suicide?
No more shit.
Metallic grey sparks on metal elements realigning.

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new poem booknick armbristeradult topicspoetry

It’s August... (by Mel)

It’s August... (by Mel)
Its August
When the wind blows
My hair, my smile off my face, my eyes full of sand
And my dress comes flying over my head,
I stand
In the middle of the race
Of dust coming from all over the place.
Its Misery
When the wind knocks
On the door, opens it without invitation
And enters without hesitation
My mood overflows w...

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mel groblernick armbristerpoetryjoint book

Outside My Window


The perfects fill their car again.
Rucksacks and waterproofs,
Pocket maps and walking boots.
Photos Facebooked like safari trophies.
After a Sunday abseiling down The Matterhorn,
they return to rustle up
a Mongolian Banquet or two.
"It's easy really as long as you've got the right ingredients."
Bedtime stories quell the quins
like their publ...

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So Why do I Write













So why do I write?

I am not a poet,

but I write a

lot of poetry.


So why do I write?

I write to

show my

point of view.


So why do I write?

Sometimes it's to

feel like I have

a small amount

of control.


So why do I write?

I write what

I feel.



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My thoughts on Bolton's NEO:LIVE


Scott Devon and Neoartists have made a friendly, caring, supportive and fun space for poets with the NEO:LIVE event in Bolton. I heartily recommend it. Nat and Paul Blackburn were excellent, well-organised hosts and will be guest poets at the next one in June. I'll be going to cheer them on. 
Bolton is easier to get to from Manchester than Manchester folk might think, a few q...

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neoboltonscott devonpaul blackburnopen micpoetryguitarsongpoem

The Poem Fails

The poem fails

It cannot render traction

Or the queer zero,

Rehearse location

Or mine gravity.


Panic & lapse

Immune to weak forces

Arise on threads of absence

In mechanical waves,

Muted by observation

& uncertain rules

In the chamber of bias.


An adumbration transpires.

Wanton longing. Dimension

Flattened & tamped.

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Then the muse of good mood arrived ...

I wasn't in the mood for poetry last night - a bad day at work had made me all grumpy.
But a after large red wine with a pal in my local pub, Hell's Waiting Room, the muse of good spirits came and perched on my shoulder.
So, as it happened, I DID very much enjoy a most life-affirming BARDS poetry session in New Brighton last night.


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Fast, effective action


There is no part of the flat

left unexplored. I’m not bored,

it’s something else: there’s too

much to do, things are vying

for concentration and attention


like never before, minor things

that can no longer be ignored,

pots to wash, a bath to be

scrubbed and a floor that needs


sweeping. And then there’s

decisions to be made about staying


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The Worst Tutor Ever (Fact!)

The Worst Tutor Ever


There once was a poet called Lee

who said that he always wrote three

lines in his limericks.


From my new free e-book 'Kidnapped By A Public House'

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TutorPoetryKidnapped By A Public HouseSatire

Weird Words a new spoken words night

In Axilfah on Thundersday we heard a sonic boom.

The rain came down but words held sway within a tight packed room.

They came from Leeds and Lancashire, from Cleckheaton and Hudd.

They raised their arms and voices too and spoke of death and blood.

And local wordsmiths said their piece. What rants and hymns we heard

when Genevieve her coven called to utter Weird Words

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deathbloodgigpoetrywordsspoken word

Call for Submissions for Murder of Krows 2

Duncan Yeates and Abigail Wyatt are inviting poets and artists to contribute to their next Murder of Krows* anthology.


The submission guidelines are as follows:
1)    All contributors should be resident in Cornwall.
2)    Poetry of a serious nature is looked on more favourably than comic or light-hearted verse.
3)    Please do not submit any more th...

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Poetrycall for submissionsCornwallRedruthCamborne murder of Krows

Heals The Soul









It's said

"laughter is

the best


But poetry

heals the




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Make a date with Pros and Coms

Hi Everybody,

Hope you can join us an entertaining evening of Comedy, Poetry and Live Music this Thursday at 8pm at Vinyl Bar, Lark Lane.  Admission is FREE.


Acts Include:

Liverpool  Acoustic Songwriter of the Year- Vanessa Murray








Talented Wordsmith – Reece Goldstrein











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LiverpoolcomedyPoetryLive MusicThursday

Roses - NaPoWriMo Day 10

Roses are dead,

they smell like Le Pew.

But they still smell sweet

compared to you.


Roses are dead,

now you feel blue.

So take a shot neat,

and uncork the screw.


Roses are dead,

our hopes are too.

You were a cheat,

but I was too.

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Pepe Le PewPepeLe PewPewWarners BrothersWarner BrosWarnerBrosBrothersRosesUnlovePoemPoetryParodyCheatVodkaDrinkDeadNaPoWriMo

Ottava Riva - NaPoWriMo Day 8

Another attempt at my paternal tongue.

Un altro tentativo di mia lingua paterna.

And though I beam with pride as I'm learning.

E anche se mi fascio con orgoglio, come sto imparando.

I'm aware that translated, the metre is wrong.

Sono consapevole del fatto che tradotto, lo strumento è sbagliato.

But this language pulsates to my yearning.

Ma questo linguaggio pu...

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ItalyItalianRomeRomanPaternalFatherFamilyLoveSelf-discoveryDiscoverySelf-awarenessAwarenessHonestyGrowthInspirationInspirationalMetaphorPoetryOttava RivaOttava Riva formIambic PentametreMetreVerseLyricSpoken WordBi-lingualMultinationalGlobalPoeticInnovativeThe Five Faces of FulliUshiku CrisafulliCrisafulliNaPoWriMo

Beat to my own drum - NaPoWriMo Day 5


Saint Stephen's tale

It's Friday, sweets from Mrs Smith

Degeneration X and anarchy

Frankie's words: two tables, four chairs, suspension.

Discovered passing the buck, and thus passed it.

Stole the show with Twenty-one Questions, four dancers, and a singer.

First girlfriend changed everything, "You're young, she has baggage - get rid..." … did...

A pla...

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MemoryChildhoodSyllablesNaPoWriMoPoetryRapR+BMordorSauronLOTRLord of the RingsTolkienWrestlingWWEWWFHBKDXDegeneration XSchoolPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolCollegeHostelHomelessnessLoveLossDepressionAnxietySuicideFightsArgumentsFathersTeachersMothersSistersFriendsTruthRejoiceRebirthPhoenixLightCandleBirthdaysYearsTaleStoriesPeopleMemories

Our Sanctuary


enchanting  armies of harmony...Phalanxes of rhythmic phoenixes.......remixing life to art art to life dark to light death to is our sanctuary music is our life to art art to life the art of life is the heart of life...... lifes A cycle like sum hyped CD or 12 inch vinyl spiral tribes thrive.........revolutionary breath music’s vital enlightened or suicida...

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Spoken WordpoetryspeakeasymanchesterChriSJaM

The Twenty First of March


The twenty first of March!

It’s a rainbow’s arch as such.

Equinox in springs

World Poetry Day brings.


It’s not an accidental event.

It gives this day a certain content.

A content to all those who can fly

And to all those who new things try.


A poetic word is an art.

It comes straight from the poet’s heart.

It gives a poetic word a chance


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Hi Everybody

Im very excited  not only because its 2 DAYS TILL PROS & COMS but also we have hot water comedy's finest Paul Smith joining us. other guest include Stephen L Smith and Denis Joe

show starts at 8pm see you there. 88-90 lark lane, aigburth L17 8UU.

and its still free

Paul In action



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The Gipsy Clouds

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
My sweetheart who left me before a year
Today was very near
I saw her when I was drunk
In my cup
And also in my fear
I wished to tell her about the muddy way
Over there, at the crazy row of thoughts
Inside the dream of the sea
That got bored of futile boats
I tried to call her
But she couldn't hear
And the life reared to me i...

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cloudsclouds and weatherfor ways to not fall in lovelove poetrylogicgipcybeautyHer-Storyafter hermy life and herspoetrypassion

My one day friend, Mark

  To Liverpool

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
On Vernon street
Off Dale street
I sat near the sidewalk
At the edge
Like a broken bridge
People were passing
With their robot walking
Sea gulls felt my pain
Also did the rain
And my one day friend Mark
Who heard the voice of gulls in my heart
And my desire to start
His frien...

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peaceLiverpoolLiverpool poetrymercysideriverpoetrylove poetrylove poemslifefriendshipfriends of the earthbe friends?old friendsmel my dear friendmysteriousMysteryfoggoodbyesJulie Goodyeargoodbye

The Strawberry woman

By: Ali Taha Alnobani

I know, strawberry has charm

But this time, it is a moon in spring temples

A Call beaming in the morning

And a mascot painted on god's arm

Your lips proclaim another speech

About angels ceremony for love

Which conduct there in paradise

Over fire, under ice

Near the golden beach

That nobody can reach


I know strawberry has...

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beautifulbeautywomanSpoken Word poetryloveparadisepoetrysleeping beautycharmpaint

Sofia's Masterpiece Story

By: Ali Taha Alnobani
© 2011 by Ali Taha Alnobani
A lot of people I knew
Tried to cross long bridges
Sofia's masterpiece story
Ended among her princes
They wished her to describe the picture
But she forgot her eyes
Upon the bridges' fences
A rhyme made of life
Attacked her burned senses
I adored Sofia
But the trees imposed ...

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sofialovewaymaserpiecestoryrhymepoetpoetryLOVE SONGLondonlove poemslove passionLove lostlove sonnetLongingloss of hairromantic distance love dan hookslossfalling in love

Running Man


Quickly pitting his wit

against an enemy

he reaches for his gun

the barrel is empty

the chamber clicks echo


Staggered staggering speed

as they close in he thinks

again which way to run

the white sedated walls

scream fear, shrinking backwards


A thorn through a window

whisperingly draws blood

as it strokes his cheek

reminding t...

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A black pen, a worm chewing through

wood, waiting for flesh.


Crunching its way through shadow.


Candle wax on skin

setting hard in its way.


A flick of the wrist

and the ink scratch stains.


Trying to find a way

to communicate with vision.


Spew out, eat up, digest, reset.


Calculating the way with mind

set to epip...

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Pale Membrane


Everything seeps in, everything leaks, in to this pale membrane.

The air from gestures, the pain and wicked eyes flicker.

The soft secretion of lingering sadness shelters like a veil.

Not haunted though, not lost to anything.

A door left open for a breeze to walk in.


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Polishing a Turd


Shite they say is such a dirty word

It conjures up all sorts of images

Brown, sticky and smelly vestiges

But can you polish a turd


I think you can, it is not absurd

To think you can make something better

To think you can improve the design

To think you can create something new

From something which reminds you of poo


It took a long while for ...

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I remember when I was young.

I remember the sad strangeness that could not forge

The words wretched wonder would wrench

The memory is stainless, sturdy, simple, a symbol


Beholden that it is now buried

but I needed that melancholy

And the knowledge I knew, or thought I knew

Fleshy words without force


Buried in a cemetery in ceremony

The dirt ...

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It can be said that fate waits for no one

It is almost a certainty in fact


But darkness with its spring heels waits alone

In a recess seldom visited, we go there in shade

Curtained we go there and raise suspicion

We go when there is blood to sacrifice

We come back when there is left only bone


Like the needless prayers of a mother

We disappear in...

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In Cars

In cars, I'm him.
I make the shapes he makes –
one-handing the steering wheel
as if grasping some mane,
I cup the gear stick bulb
like it's a brandy bowl
and coast to junctions
clutch disengaged
scared as sharks to stop,
though on open road
I’ll box in better cars than mine,
a sudden stickler for the limit
I slap down and squeeze your knee
celebrating damming flow,

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graham poetrygenderhistorySwindon

A Crying Shame


Shame - the greatest shambles; a sham

sex and guilt, beauty and modesty; molest

pitted in the stomach like acid,

spat swallowed pity, feeding starvation, an unquenchable famish, unsensibly sore

malnourished habits die hard, and lonely, resentfully

twisting and turning and diving, deprived


Lies for eyes, for ears and the nose; twitch

flies on the flesh of ...

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Oh Darkness, Sweet Darkness

With my acuminous arm
I saved her wretched soul, like the others,
I drew the blood through clotted veins
And lay her down upon the blackness.

I cleaved the meats from her ivory.
He knelt with me and watched her filth, her poison
Pour through the cobbled streets
Into welcoming drains.

Plucked from the cadaver,
Her vessels of virility are no more;
The erroneous allocatio...

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In Soviet Russia...

Aissur Teivos ni,

even the punchline is backwards.

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In Soviet RussiaSoviet RussiaIn Soviet Russia gagIn Soviet Russia jokejokesjokejokinglaughterhumorone linerpoetrywittysillyfunny


I see him at my window tonight.
The moon, full and bright
Casts his dark shadow onto an icy wall.
A familiar silhouette, unmistakable,
Pressed against the pane.
The cold melts his breath into feathery diamonds
Running in thin veins down the thick glass.
His face, hidden and veiled in black
Glances my way and nods;
I nod back
Acceptingly. Suddenly,
The glass no longer divid...

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Otherwise summed up as: whatever happened to Rimbaud? Or Van Gogh, for that matter?
When a poet takes up arms
their quill is orphaned quick
though the pen is mightier
the sword some bards will pick
however just the cause may be
forsake their weapon true
to lose what makes them free
sad the ...

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That's so gay

When we think about the freedoms

our ancestors thought for,

the cracking of the great enigma.

Futile hopes soaked in apple-core tears

crashing like a faulty application.


Remember, that's so gay.


When you websling like Spidey

page to page.

From songs on YouTube,

to memes about Derp...

remember his hurt.


Remember, that's so gay.


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LGBT History MonthAlan TuringJohn AmaechiNeil Patrick HarrisRussell T DaviesJohn BarrowmanDoctor WhoTorchwoodHow I Met Your MotherLiteratureTheatrePoetryEducationSchoolsCommunityAcceptance

my new poem book co written with Mel Grobler

new epub version of Mel and my new poem book... normal book



Heartbreak (by Mel)                                                                                                                    

Why, why ...

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nick armbristermel groblerpoetryjoint projectwritingnew 2013 book

Goodness Gracious - a video poem by Ged Thompson

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SnobberyPoetryLiverpool poetryfuck you!

Life is a Cuppa

Life in a Cuppa


Up to a point
pliant leaves will seep
into all its waters
until the cup overflows

so much as to stain
the meticulously starched table linen.
Then we shall face with reckoning
its true substance!





Please make your response or comment on my profile page. Thank you.

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