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Justice (Remove filter)


The knocks came loud at half past four;

The wife woke from her sleep.

"You give that noisy pest what-for,

I hate the little creep"!


Her husband squinted at the clock

And rubbed his tired eyes;

He'd give that yob a nasty shock,

An unforseen surprise.


"What's your problem, son?" he cried,

Flinging back the door,

And quickly stopped in verbal str...

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Wet dawn morning rain dripping on sombre scene

low clouds distilling all colour to grey.

No warmth or hope or peace of mind.

Count down approaches creeping death

as workers test the gallow’s string, new white rope up,

haul heavy sacks of grain to test it – dead weight.

In his cell a condemned man is brought,

he didn’t sleep much. His last day on ear...

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the great fallacy

I present my argument:

Justice is a moral issue;

morality is subjective;

therefore -  Justice is subjective.

The Just Person is:

upright righteous fair-minded

‘on the side of the angels’!

unbiased unprejudiced impartial

dispassionate indifferent detached

decisive unchallengeable



With all due reasonableness


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