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Lost (Remove filter)

The Man That Gravity Forgot.

I still think about you a lot
But in the most selfish way
Wishing I could float my way to heaven
And find the words to say

Are you scared
Are you alone?
Are you happy
Is it home?

I'm scared to move on
I'm alone inside my head
I'm happy when I think of you
Your home is here instead

I wish I could trade you places
But I know that's wished a lot
At the very least can I be
The man...

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Don't Let Go

Your smile melts me,

With just a laugh I'm yours.

I see your eyes bright up and it drives me wild,

Releasing the butterflies,

Allowing them to fly with joy.


I said I love you,

As you simply smiled and hugged me.

Don't let go...

I will miss your warmth,

Your way of making me feel safe.


Tell me to stay the night.

Let me fall asleep in your arms,

Let me f...

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dont let gosmilelost


The more I go

The darker it gets

Doesn't matter what is my choice

It's always the wrong one

I missed all the tracks

But there is no survivor left in me

I wish I was the never ending story

That at least came to end.

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a feather

love is like a wing
it lifts you up
into the sky
and shows you
the beauty
and peace
that you always wanted
but when it gets stormy
you will be hit
and lost a feather
it hurts
you do everything
to find that one feather again
and to stick it on you
just for the hope and feeling
you belong together... again 

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Deep Sea by Zakiya Johnson

Look above the clouds
Trying to find
What's even there
A soul that's all alone
You see her crying 
Tears of a bipolar sunshine
Never know what to do
Tears that was never mine
You said you were okay
But you really were lost
Lost beneath a sea
With a mind above thee
Searching on top of the clouds
Trying to find thy sun
Sunken beneath the sea
Help me I can't breath
I see streaks of li...

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The Bird

The cage she’s in is paper thin,

She sits upon her perch and then

She cries, a chirp, a whistle, a hymn,

But no one hears the bird.


The world she’s in is waging war,

She cannot try to match the score.

And now, she screams out, “Nevermore”,

But no one hears the bird.


Flutter as she might, she fails,

Falls to the clutch of someone else.

And then she tries to r...

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To The Addicts Of The World

To The Addicts Of The World

Cunning baffling and powerful are the words used to describe,
The truth of what addiction is, it will take your life with a knife.
Everything you thought you were becomes lost,
All that you cherish and love, gone at what cost?

Millions of people struggle everyday and it's truly tough,
Knowing that one is too many and a thousand never enough.
Pot, heroin, me...

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addictionreal lifelostbrokendrugshopelessnessdepression



We were like ‘yin and yang’,

‘Spick and Span’

- Hot pot, big pan -

slick and tanned!

The could we can -

sweet, sweet like marzipan!

The kind of love that makes you FAT,

that attracts the sniff sniffing rats.

- Rap! Trap! Rat! The blind bats! -

But I walked and you ran,

I was kicked like tin-can

then you thought you were tin-man,

cause you forgot your heart ...

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word playfunconfusedidentityselfrelationshiprediscoveryreinventionlost


Back in 1995 I seem to have been a whole lot angrier than I am today! And more lost. But there's certainly some energy here.



Lost when your eyes are too wide,

lost when the sky

shouts high notes

when it should be whispering;


lost when the fires die.


Lost when complete strangers

give you the finger and grin,

or when the beer and the noise stop

and y...

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In the beginning

In the beginning he would wake at every peculiar sound that came from the babies crib 

In the beginning he would bring me a beverage as I fed his son whilst the moon was dimly lit 

In the beginning he would rush home from work eager to see the family he created 

In the beginning we were the people whom he could be himself and escape with 

In the beginning we were enough 


He wou...

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Beginningendloveheartbreakyoungsorrowfamilybrokenhusbandwifemarriagedivorceseparationbroken familybroken heartslostaloneafraid

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