The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Pain (Remove filter)

Screen break

It must be time to get up

Any excuse to fill my cup

To get out of this chair

To take in some different air


The mechanisms are tense

Cornea, Iris and the lens

Focused and sharp

Like a razor to a harp


Capturing images, light and perusing

Peering across a radient sunset, percieving or sewing

Better to be absent minded staring into distance

Than screens burni...

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Eyesscreensdigital techpain

Hoping she holds her breath

Agitation eats at my chest due to my un-feathered yearning for this person, she cannot begin to think about what she wants other than the bare necessity of breathing.

                Which implores me to wish she didn’t need to breathe, selfishly, so that I can then be an option for her. I'm sure another necessity would take sprout.

I’m not sure who is the root of the problem. A possible s...

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it's a grey morning fog

hazing over the landscape; the person ; love.

it makes distant       .

further away then it really is,


it blurs the lines. 

whispers,, "you are alone "

it's white noise 

hushing the love of the Sun  


drips into the earth between the soft skin of your feet  

makes slippery what you reach for 

An aeonian drab

a monochromatic moan,


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Whispers of the Endless Ache

The sky, that cries all night, without a break
The pain in fields turns into sorrow’s song
Ah! Who am I, lost, walking through the ache?
Is it just a dream, or agony so long?

The sea, the waves break strong upon the shore
And I, in vain, seek out a resting place
But winds that drag me leave me evermore
And carry me beyond, with endless pace

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