The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

STARS (Remove filter)


We are as different 

as the sun and moon,

circling the same universe,

with an omnificent God 

you don’t believe in, 

for adventures in love, 

you among the trees, 

me with my muse,

who today, lives in you.

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Heavenly Bodies

August is a great month for star gazers!

Fully clothed

With naked eye

She gazes upwards

To a moonlit sky

A mighty presence

Swiftly felt

Orion appears

Only wearing 

A belt

She's waited here

Till an early morn 

For his shimmering touch

On a summer's dawn

The hunter haunts her

As Venus looks on

But when sun arises

Her lover is gone


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The Aftermath

Stars fall from the sky 

And congregate on the ground to erect an ivory palace,

As bright as day, as searing as the desires 

Entombed deep under the earth's surface.


It doesn't take nightfall 

To lure them inside-

The eager, the crafty, the venal, the mortal.

Every nugget of their flesh blazes in the lambent lights.


Inscrutable power it gives them 

As they undr...

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Can You Hear The Moon Sing At Night?

Can you hear the moon sing at night?
A distant melody from the most dulcet vocal pipes?
Have you ever nestled in her crescent bed
Like the kid in the DreamWorks emblem?
My winsome lady
Dotes on me.
Her visage,
Part amused, part exasperated.
For she knows why I've come to see her again--
To steal the roux from stars, milky and fulgent.
To hoard fragments of the night sky in my wooden ches...

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PoetryastronomycraterdiamondsexplosiongemsMoonnightrepressed memoriesstarsvolcano

Astronomer's New Year

This old Earth has taken another spin around the Sun. (1)
The Solar System continues its endless circle in the Milky Way. (2)
Andromeda has come closer (3) 
as the Milky Way hurtles toward the Great Attractor (4)

Welcome to another year, another turn around Old Sol,
as we wobble through familiar yet unknown deep space 
and spend more time with the music of the spheres
that resounds silent...

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astronomerMilky WaystarsconstellationNew Yearsolar systemcosmos


Alexis karpouzos poetry and creative writing.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

Alexis karpouzos on Amazon

Alexis karpouzos on Goodereads

alexis karpouzos on instagram


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Breathe Again

I step out into the darkness
with the sky lit above me
The orb has reached its full potential 
and I am reminded of the beauty around me
The twinkling above is the same as it’s always been
but much brighter than I’ve allowed myself to see
Somewhere out there under the same sky
you’ve been thinking of me
and I can finally breathe again 

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full moonstarsacceptancelove

The Poet Laureate reads...........

The Poet Laureate reads his commemorative poem on the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Royal Astronomical Society: BBC ‘Broadcasting House’ 12 January 2020

(Today 13 January, coincidentally the BBC reports the oldest matter from a meteorite 7 billion years in the making. It carries dust grains, ‘star dust’, formed before our worlds existed).


When I heard the lauded Laureate*


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Afraid Of the Dark

How many times must I rinse off the moon

And unpeel the stars from my skin?

Have someone ask what were you drinking?

How many times must I try clinging to lamp lights?

Try configuring keys into shining beacons?

I cannot see in the dark

Yes, blackouts steal my sight

But when finished,

I wake up feeling feverish

And fear ferments and festers

The night can be sticky


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raperape cultureexhaustedcopingdenialmental healthconfrontationstrugglegalaxystarsmoonmetaphorfearscarredtraumadrinkingissuesInternal

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