The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Mystery of Night

They say the night has a thousand Eyes,
It's beauty no one denies,
The nocturnal passing is cool and crisp,
The mind creates ghosts from a single wisp,
No man knows night truly,
Man knows it comes by dark and cooly,
It has a feeling of enchantment,
Beholders are usually lost in the moment,
The glazed eye that is the moon comes ever slowly,
In the dark speckled sky, people watch them longi...

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nightstarsmoonthe moonthe nightpoempoetrypoems

Evening Thoughts

It brings me comfort knowing we're sleeping under the same sky,

Gazing at the same moon,

Wishing upon the same stars. 


It makes me feel closer to you. 

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love poemlovedistanceromantic distance lovelong distancemoonstarsnature


days come and go

no stopping them

like leaves that wither on the stem


yellow they drop

no longer free

now mere atoms in eternity


we watch them fall

with them we go

flotsam on that tidal flow


a wave that climbs

into the sky

going none knows where or why


washing the stars

bathing black holes

dousing galaxies like blazing coals


is ...

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Poetry Prompt: 'Forever is composed of nows'


Just the right amount of squeeze 

at my hip

of a lemon 

on the pasta we craft for each other

of the sponge he knows I don’t like to touch when wet.

A tongue, a croissant, a bottom smack, 

exactly when we wanted one

A well-timed tease, balletically treading that tightrope line 

from this now, to the next, to the next to the next please


Moments studded above our ...

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cohabitationconstellationcovid-19Dorsetemily dickinsonholidaysliving togetherlockdownlovelove poetryquarantineromanticstars

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