The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Shine bright

Roll the dice for me tonight

Lucky charm of the sky

Burning light-years high

Out of reach

Of my motorbike

Cruising under citylight

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Starlight Ever After

Wild rattlesnakes wrestle with their shakes.

Slithering through the decay,

of a rusted red Chevrolet.

Roaches top the food chain.

Gargantuan size and strength

with razor fangs.

Everything turned prey.

You told me you want to die

in another time and place.

When and where the starlight

still shined through space.


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I opened the windows of my room with the night

I let in the stars and slept in their time

    I knew their waning


When I awoke

My pillow was flattened with the weight of their time

My mind was present in the immensity of their span

    I knew their past now



I curtained the new day in my room with the dawn

I breathed in time and dreamed of the...

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