The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Writing Prompt for Monday

Take Wilfred Owen's poem, Conscious.  Find it here:  Write it out, leaving a blank space under each line. Interpret each line as you understand it, using your own words. Take what you have written and re-write it without looking at the original poem. Check that you have not used any of Owen's words or phrasing: you should have an entirely di...

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October Collage Poem: Sacrifice

People die for what they say - a sacrifice

I would say.


Promises unfulfilled in darkrooms


my pen massages,

carefully and lovingly

the waiting page.


She is everywoman: sacrifice, laughter, death.


U kip I kip we all kip


running saved her life

she is all giving


the painting of the dog, howling


she is all-giving, all-taking, all-lov...

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September Collage Poem: Merseyways


Wonderful woman lost in her mirror,

worn subject of a Swiss dream

cobbled on the back

of the toilet door.


Tiny lights

observe their image

fragile; a subtle glance.


The river wild, the river loved, the river mild.

History, life, rivalry

my eyes were filled with tears

from the sight


to play by Petrarch's rules the Bard foreswore


swept away...

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August Collage Poem: First Jobs


Strangled thoughts inside and out,

Lost chances rust in lonely sidings.


Tailor driven across hope

buried deep under steelworks

strangled in lies


hope made of granite

and reinforced steel.


The tosser on the dance floor

Throw him into an IT grave.

Once you get used to something, your

imagination loses its mind, use your

imagination and look at som...

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Options - February Collage poem


Bardic warriors in the worn tartan

of Christie Cleek declaim

their savage lines:

It's never too late to be early

and catch the wind


Taxed to death


the mirror whispers a thousand words

we seldom notice


Stuffy, smoky stifling atmosphere

of shouting people:

What do they put in our beer?

Stop killing our world -

and don't be late!



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January Collage Poem: Beginnings and Exits


Mothers of sons dream troubled dreams

of blowing leaves and anniversaries.

Give me an energetic brush every time


it smells like winter, trees sigh softly

and nature floats my boat. Red and gold

leaves scurry along in the force


the pungence of words strong enough

to sting the nostrils, sweet enough

to bless the ears


glamour in fleece and recognition


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