The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 27 days, 20 hours. Get details and Enter.

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December Collage Poem: Waves

Swansea waves words at passing poets


The twenty-fifth day is long and in others souls,

A week later we enter the next chapter with

New raging goals.


Kissing capitalism's ass and not mine

Highway traffic moves in waves,

Or should that be it crawls like a crab


Marrying a woman from East Texas

She cooked Christmas pudding for dinner each night

In peanut and r...

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Collage Poem   December   Stockport Art Gallery   Stockport WoL   WoL

August 2017 Collage Poem – Obscene

Dave left to stab an unwary autistic


The loneliness of sand.


The man with the photo left

Leaving small details which invoke a hidden world.




Freeing slaves from hidden bondage

Pandora had a lot to answer for


Sand in my toes

Sand in my boots sinking in rotten socks

Memories of Mumbai with my daughter,

Waiting for the monsoon



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Stockport WOL   collage

Martin Thinks I'm Catholic

Martin Thinks I’m Catholic
With thanks to Andy N, for suggesting it


My father adored me.  He cuddled me in his arms 
after my birth and said, Doesn’t she look intelligent, love?

My mother believed I wasted that intelligence raising babies. 
I was relieved disappointment had no place in her grateful sigh,
as I arrived at the hospital in time to watch her die.

My brothers consider ...

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Autobiography   Poem   Stockport WOL

June Collage Poem: Evil

Baggy trouser party I will vote for you!

Faded flowers, flowing emotions


Jumping over invisible cats

A stucco heron stalks a halting river

Three bags full, why three, why he, evil be


Evil wears many faces

Ginger Dorris offered peanuts

I bruise easily. My shelter is flimsy

And fragmented. It tastes of shallowed wounds


Sometimes it's a blessing

When a tra...

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Stockport Collage Poem   Evil   Stockport WOL

May 2017 Collage poem


Gunpowder walk around, a spark was sobbing

Underneath secrets hopping alongside humans

Inbetween trees weeping in regret


Wet willy, slippering down the slope. Pointing at

Your directionless forehead. Hop aboard the bumpy ride.

Wear a helmet. Your tongue is like a whip... but why!


Tip of the tonge. Sharp or soft

A host of feminist vegans

Lie in a pool of his o...

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Stockport WOL   Collage poem   May   2017

January 2017 Collage Poem - Hungover

Homeless salvation in the snow

Begging barristers of poisonous kingship


My mug of prison tea

Is the hangover drink for me


The morning after a too merry night of play

No regrets until she calls me the following day,

A sparkling jet of water streams

Into the glass


Poetry; art with words

Truthful tunes played by a Pied Piper


Happy drinks, happy times


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collage poem   hungover   Stockport WOL

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