The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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New Year - New Beginnings


All we can do makes no difference
All that we see makes it worse
All that we feel is more pain
All that we say is useless
All that we are is dust
All that we want is
Impossible unless
We take the
First step.



I know that I loved you,
And more than a little,
But now you are gone.

I feel...

Too heartless to beat,
Too lonely to need,
Too empty to c...

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written in the dirt

this autumn morning

winter’s aperitif

is served on the rocks

shaken and stirring


come downpour now

unleash your jotting scribe and

cast the showery runes of fables untried

forge scripts along our droughty lanes

of songs for all that yet remain

or wash away those pages brown,

whelm witness to our temporal sway


we’ll listen to the eager eart...

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A caterpillar's tale


Today I am a caterpillar, I am knobbly and green,
I cut that path through the leaf behind me, it shows you where I've been.
I crawl slowly on my belly and I am rubbery like jelly,
And if I should slip from this here cabbage, I might end up somewhere smelly.
But soon I will go through changes, that you would not believe,
I'll say goodbye for a while to the cabbage...

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children's poetrytransformationbutterflycaterpillarchangegrowthks2transition





Cold to the touch and as old as time itself, the eons fall by the wayside as the dawns come and go just like rain falling from the sky.

Just now like before things are changing, constantly, forever more.

Nothing stays the same – even the rocks and stones are worn away,

ground away until only sand remains.

Time defeats everything from the dinosaurs to the ic...

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stonelast forevertimeweatheraeonschange

The Conservative






disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, 

and to limit change.


Every morning on the TV – It’s just not like what it used to be


Kids these days they’ve got no clue, they RIOT, they’re not POLITE – they don’t appreciate SHITE!


In MY day - i...

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A civil war, where the mind is as powerful as the gun

I think we need a civil war,


‘Cos change can never come from petitions,

Whilst politicians don’t even make the decisions.

And it’s not about royalty or roundhead,

It’s more like Malcom X said there’s field slaves,

And those stuck in the house brain dead.


A civil war,


Overthrowing central banks,

Burning Union flags and oil tanks,

Knocking on ...

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