The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Bold & Silent

I turned the volume down so I could hear you.

Everything is still too loud.

Too many voices, and not the one I needed to hear.

I want to hear.


Mourning that lasted for nine hundred sixty four days.

Salty tears soaked waterlogged greenery.

Droopy head. Droopy leaves.

Pruning a root bound plant



Acclamation felt like dormancy

Dormancy was intense


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griefmourninggrowthsolitudeguardian angeldeathflowersvisionschange



In the form of Flame,

Is a mother's touch,

Calm, Gentle, Warm,

The same Fire,

With circumstances,


Raging, Ravaging, Revolting,

Learn from Fire,

To be a caressing mother,

For Good,

And be the destroyer,

For Evil,

Ignite your Fire,


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fireflameacceptable behaviourfireworkscoldchangewinterbluesmood

Aren't Trees Alive?

All those pretty hues,
Of green amongst the blues,
Their long brown feet?
Blossoming the ground beneath. 
Oh! The tremendous trunk,
Its arms in every direction,
Lil foliage materializing,
Under the radiant sun,
Dancing joyfully and smiling,
With a light breeze on the run.

Beauty, magnificence, still untold,
Wonders of pigment, flowers are born,
Fruity freshness our heart devours,

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3 x more haiku about Change

Leaving you behind
your words fall between the lines
distant memories.


The past is a dream
rolling backwards before then
pushing us forward. 


Dreams of the past flow,
Backward rolling streams of thought,
Driving us ahead.

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haikuhaiku sequencechange

Flame-Licked Heels

I’ve been working on

Coming back from

The dead

Realising reality

Living in this world

Becoming me

I don’t have to know who I am

But I must know that I am

I am, I am, I am

I don’t have to know what I am

To deserve to be

I’m working on being,

Just being

Because I’ve been existing

Mindless, automatic, numb

Best autopilot, me

Coming back from the dead


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deademotionlessfeelrebornresurrectionspiritgrowthself workhardshipinspireoptimismhopefuturechoiceempowerpowerdecisionstake controlmanifestconnectvibrationliveenjoybebecomechangetransformjourneyexciting

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