The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Your voice can make a differenceĀ 

Your voice could change the world

Can my voice be someone else's

Cause I don't want to be heard

Can my voice be a text post

On a site that none reads

I can write the poem

But I won't stand up and speak

Can my voice be a gestureĀ 

Can a murmur change the worldĀ 

Cause I wish for none

To hear me say words

I could change my voice


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Option 3

Am I ready for the things I acquire ?Ā 

Used to mediocre thingsĀ 

Not having enough money to buy what I needĀ 

My goal has always been the finer thingsĀ 

Wearing what I want, living where I wantĀ 

It seems small but those are big to meĀ 

I donā€™t live above my meansĀ 

Watched people go down that roadĀ 

Itā€™s not a pretty sceneĀ 

Iā€™m scared about what I would do when I acquire what ...

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The sum of all we truly are


The backbone of this giving Isle

from marshy fen to firth of forth,

has soured the face of many a smile

beneath the crown that ventured north.


Then Westward too, the Kingdom torn

across a Wilding Sea,

its Children poor, to paupers born

that bore the likes of you and me.


With baubles traded, power for land

The Lords abused their folk the same,

to sit opp...

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Omens and Homage (Ignorance, Manipulation, Control, Domination)


To see a world in a coffee cup

and a hell inside a TV screen,

then still to rise and take a sup

and blink away the horror seen.


A memory flashed upon a mind

staunched by bitter pill,

to make a man and mankind blind

cannot the memory kill.


The slave fed by his masterā€™s hand

is starved and saved the same,

he lives upon a lesser land

with no choice but ...

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The Winds Of Change

Iā€™ve never liked the winds of change

they bring the cold and driving rain,

destroying what was calm and warm

and leaving nothing but the storm.


They make me have to rise and flee

to higher ground for my safety.

Then when theyā€™re done Iā€™m left again

to find new space I can fit in.


And oh the work, it brings me down

exhausted, humbled to the ground.

Yet in the...

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changedealing with change

One Change

I wish I could teach the world one simple thing,

then pray that they grasp it and start following.


Because it would change every outcome to be,

dispel all the darkness and set the soul free.


ā€˜Twould make everything we do under the sun

a pure joy to do just because of this one


simple change that has nothing to do with the things

that we spend our time doing,...

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Walk Away

I wonder.

I wonder.

I wonder why it goes.

I deny it,

try to fight it

against the way it flows.


I ignore it,

I deplore it,

try to push it far away.

But I fear it,

I'm too near it

and it haunts me every day.


For circling in the skies are things

I wish I could disguise,

that melt to crystal teardrops

and it makes me realize -


that Iā€™m p...

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Change is the most natural part of lifeĀ 

The summer cannot last foreverĀ 
I have learned simply to never say neverĀ 

I change my mindĀ 
Perspectives and feelings move with timeĀ 

Nothing is certainĀ 

Before you know it, it is AutumnĀ 
and your leaves are turning into shades of goldĀ 

To begin something new you must let go of the oldĀ 
It is okay to fall

Winter may be harder and it wi...

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