The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

fear (Remove filter)

Something is Coming


Beneath the biscuit-bitten moon of dawn

Something’s coming.

There’s a hint of something unknown,

unprecedented enough that even the howling wind has flaked

To something spider-thin;

To the bare wire frames of lyricism.



Since then, the sky has darkened.



And static has started to  skitter across asphalt and window-frames.




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Fear, expresses no emotion.

It neither wraps itself

In cotton anger, or

Brittle sanity.

It lives in the deepest part;

Of your dream.

Taking up room -

Where the life-force should be.


This living ghost,


It does not chew it's food,

It devours it.

No table is enough to

Satisfy it's cravings.

When every opportunity feeds


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An angel cried

A seemingly endless corridor of doors
closed, dark and foreboding
I walk,
I walk,
I walk
I want to open each but i know
a deep and unknown fear
lies behind each and every one
I walk through a door
which one i dont' t recall
and the hidden ones half glimpsed
almost seen yet hide in close shadows
are they who bleed morning dew,
evening myst, and the eternal fertile seed

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I am the one you kick cans at as you pass me in the street.

I am the one with the dirty hair and the scruffy clothes.

I am the one you cower from and snarl at as you pass my feet.

I am the one you pretend you can’t hear or blatantly ignore as I mutter ‘Spare change please’.


I was like you once I had a home, a family a smile. Now I have my dog.

I fought for the country ...

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tramparmy daysoblivionfearcold

Silly Girl

Deep dark blood

Gushing from this wound

My eyes seeping from sorrow and stinging from pained tears

I look down and laugh

"You fool, you idiot, you pathetic silly girl"

Heart anchored with past and future fears.

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