The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

fear (Remove filter)

Befriending Fear

Fear comes in different forms.

Fear of love.
Fear of pain.
Fear of failure.

One day you overcome it like a true Olympian. Another day, it arrives on your doorstep ringing the bell unceasingly until it deafens your ears.

Fear of attraction.
Fear of lust.
Fear of judgment.

And you never want to hear it again. You hide. You run away. Beneath the sheets of a stifling world. Behind the ...

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Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #35 {I Will Not Live In Fear}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #35} {I Will Not Live In Fear} 



Once upon a time

from my past I

once lived in fear

because of a situation

with an exrelationship

gone wrong because

this man became

insanely crazy over

me `n` he took it to

the point of calling

me day `n` night then

stalking me `n` showing

up in the dead of the

night trying to bre...

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diary of the southern queenexperiencesfearlifelivingno more fearoutside inspirationpoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesstoriesTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspirationwriting to write

She's Shy

{She's Shy} 



She's always been shy 

She's always

been tossed away

because of her


She's always

been hiding from

the surrounding

world around her

because of shyness 

She's always been

unseen, unnoticed,

unheard of because

 of bad case of


She wishes that

her shyness would

disappear one day

so she will be adored


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shynesspoemstoriesthinkingTina Gloversadnesshurtfearrejectionthoughtspoetrylivinglifepainsfear of rejection

Life by Numbers

Life by Numbers


1. My father walks the sea-edge and is young, as a child is young.

2. My father's voice is hardwood, and timpan drums.

7. My father's eyes are tired.

16. The cyclone clouds hang swollen sheets above.

19. I am afraid.

20. I shall put fear at the bottom of depths the deep blue made.

25. My brothers' arms surround me.

31. We sit on the brim of laught...

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Ignorance is bliss

So I guess that they've imprisoned us into this predetermined preposition 

When the truth is there so blatantly but we can't help but not to listen 

Because ignorance is bliss so we'll stay blissfully unaware 

As to the GMO's in all our food and the geo engineering in the air 

I suppose we'll go organic and refuse the water from the tap 

What about the metals likened to a subtle che...

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Last Night...

Last night I dreamt I lost you Between oceans of dreams and Storms of thoughts I searched through the waves of panic but Found no trace of you_ My thoughts blank and dark, Oh my dreams…my dreams… So empty Impossible as it seems I fought against my own rage Yelling Refusing to accept… Last night I dreamt I lost you Between the madness and mundane. A sob escaped my lips Evidence of m...

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Invisible Shark Syndrome

When you look at the water
From the specific position of the diving board.
It stays still with the silence of god himself, unmoving despite the world continuing.


It was noon, and the lifeguard made a joke.
"Be careful, there's a shark in the water!"


I could see all the way down past the  top of the water to the mid-blue circle spiral encompassing the 'deep bowl' of the pool.
I ...

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SharksAnxietyFearChildhoodConnor Lannes

Wednesdays lost

Wednesdays Lost As “The” day draws nearer Spirits sink lower Fears rise, higher. Not completely sure why, It’s as if we expect something…or “That” to happen again… Anything worse…is impossible! Still so unbelievable _ surreal almost. Two months short of a year And we continue to struggle to grasp the fact_ You’re gone! How do you go about planning an Angel Day…? When you can’t believe… Yet reg...

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My Heart Beat Beat Beat.

My Heart Beat Beat Beat.

Feels like I am falling from 9000ft

A rollercoaster with no end

& when I am with you it begins to ascend

My Heart Beat Beat Beat.

My Heart Beat Beat Beat.


may be hidden and discreet, 

but it's the only way it can avoid defeat.

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Silence Needed

Today I woke Face soaked Eyes swollen. Today I woke with tears in my eyes. Drenched were the pillows on which I sleep Saturated like my soul… Finding no inspiration to leave the refuge of my bed … I sink deeper into the sodden bedding Dragging the covers over my head. Just two hours of restless slumber…two hours was all I managed. I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep… Drained…in everyway imaginable…dra...

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silencefearlovelosing someone

The Tug of Depression

The tug of depression
It was always there
It's my greates lesson
That life wasn't mean to be fair
It's the shackles on my legs
The clouds over my head
It's the dead of the night
Never far from sight
It's the weight holding me down
Turning the smile into a frown
It's the whiskey I didn't need
Making me think I'm free
It's my monotone life
Making me scared of the highs
It's the prison ...

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You.  Empowered.

By me.


My faith.

My hope.

My answer.


To your tender question.

Your enquiry,

over a metter delicate.


A subject I hold close.

A card I let none other see.

A card that hurts,

for as long as

I hold this hand.


So, to play.

Show this hand.

Exposes part of me that's easy to injure.


A part held dear.

With ...

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Sleep tight my love

Sleep tight my love

Hold tight my love

Don't fear my love

Don't snore my love


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I shut it down 
when it gets too loud 
and I go back 

I feel it like a thud, 
dull but hollow,  
loud and shallow. 
I wallow, I bellow. 
I hope, I hope 
then I damn the hope 
down the hole,

throw the rope. 

I’m afraid, 
afraid of my brain, 
afraid of the rain, 
my pain, 
the words on the page,
the ever growing rage, 
the crushing despair, 
the hate. 

No mo...

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Leaf, that expects hang through winter

On his life-giving tree,

May fear not just only wind.

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He left

He left 

He left behind his broken wife and his scared son

He left

He left us cold, all alone with no one 

He left


The vows, they meant nothing 

The promises, broken 

I just wish we meant something 

More than just empty words spoken 


I cried for days at a time 

My young son wiped every tear 

Leaving us was a crime 

And now, it's been 1 year 



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familybrokenheartachepainlovesadnessmemoriesmarriageaffairbetrayaldepressionlonlinessfearchangesonmotherfatherunconditional love

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