The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I know that, strictly speaking, the Magi, are still on camel back following a star but I also know everyone is bored with the story by epiphany so here is my final Christmas related poetry blog. Courage, doubt, fear and wonder, in the story of the Magi. What had they been part of? Like us, they wondered whether ‘this was a future they wanted to know’…


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(not so) seasonal depression

The sun was supposed to save me
Erase the dark
Outside and inside

I waited patiently
and I was determined
Trusting my everlasting assumtion
That that thing will come
Take the pain away

It would just take time

The time of waiting
Biding in the dark
The aching anticipation in the cold
All of a sudden
Seems oh so sweet

Once the alleged change appears

But nothing changes


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changecolddepressionfearfree formseasonsummersun

Full Moon Rising

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen 


Halloween frightens my inner child

who is afraid of masked men,

being alone in the dark,

daggers to the heart,

a body aging too soon,

eternal suffering... 

but the hollow night

gives way to a full moon rising

and a million stars to wish upon,

ushered by angels beaming light


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One-star community

A noticed man on a long rusty cold bench
Hidden behind a mask as me
He on the right, I sit down on the farest left
Its late morning in the fall
Catched the same train
Walked the same paths
As I saw his face, his eyes when he felt his hackles raising
I looked directly into a grown man's unrest
A bold 18 year old behind him
- He was off-color
Suddenly he found himself climbing the stairs a...

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afraid of the dark


afraid of the dark


afraid of the dark

but only at night


brave during

the light of day


very brave


afraid of nothing

except a nest of

ground hornets

or poison ivy


at night he would


run in the dark


always afraid of

what was following


never thinking

about what might

be ahead


he did not want

anyone t...

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eight limbs lower so small and afraid,

a two limbed child chases your dance,

dragging their feet and fate to you,

but your step to a web is slow,

to small to catch the beat of their murder,

might they show mercy and turn it down?

for you to dance in silence.


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The Silence Still Talks

Confined to a tiny apartment

terrified of a viral threat

she rocks in her chair listening


to voices in the corridor

Who is going out?

To voices in the street

Who are they? Are they infected?


She turned off the TV months ago

when depression became too much to bear.


In the silence she waits

for the danger to pass

listening to the constant

chatter of...

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After the Pandemic

After the pandemic, 
I hope we remove our masks, 
find more reasons to smile, 
forgive faster, 
have more patience, 
keep the faith, 
help each other however we can. 

Gather more, 
hug more, 
kiss more, 
remember what we're here for, 
live, laugh, love.

I hope you find strength 
to move your mountains, 
courage to carry on, 
seize every opportunity 
to live the After now. 


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Inconsequential Madness

Fires seething, breathing, spewing forth
Molten vulgarities unto this earth,

Feeding on the despair and indifference of
A society that has rid itself of all those things
Which are true and good,

Nothing is intolerable anymore, for the flames
Have consumed all, beggar and borrower alike,
And smothered nature's sight,

For the heart which cannot see shall be mute to
All that could open...

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A fight to survive

Seeing the beautiful sky,

From my dead eyes.

Wondering the beauty in the holy night,

Dark was the only colour which helps me to hide.


Hiding my sadness my sorrows my fear my cries,

Trying my best to keep the face with smile.

My hobbies,my joy, my emotions were becoming day by day a bit fewer,

Now I am just existing in the world, can't even face myself in the mirror.



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anxietydarkdepressionfearfighthatehelplesshelplessnessnightovercomeself destructionself harmself hate

Cutting the Strings

What I am is wrong,
This is not me,
The entire sum of my life has led me to this fact,
I cannot be who I was, nor who I am,
Not even who I am trying to be,

The end is but a heartbeat away,
And there it will begin,
Life lived as a puppet,
Is life ruled by the puppeteer,

Cut the strings,

To fall to the ground by your own hand,
And then rise of your own accord,
Is what I long for,


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Hunger hides in the schools

Hunger hides in the uneducated

Hunger hides in a child's mind


Why should this be a political fight

We are not asking for a feast, just a little something to eat.


Sadness hides in the home

Sadness hides in the room

Sadness hides in the man on the streets


Don't want to run in your circle anymore.

Want to take that straight line le...

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fearfeelingshidehopehungerIgnorancelovepainpeacePoetry 2020sadness

Losing you (Secret Bi)

You think that your losing me
But I’m losing part of you
You think that your hurting me
But it’s me who’s hurting you
You think you can save me
But it’s hard for you to do
Because I cause so much agony
And it’s me doing that to you

I fear for the future
I fear that you will leave
It feels you’ve lost the sparkle
And no longer believe
I know you reassure me
And there’s things you n...

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LoverelationshiphopefearhurtBisexualbreak up


I  once saw a wolf in the woods

Felt the cold glare of its emerald eyes 

I was alone and defenseless 

And scared 

Because I was just a child 

But wolf showed me mercy 

Like a noble king and not a dictator 

And left me with a warning never to return to his forest again

I once saw a wolf in a zoo

His foggy eyes week and winded on mine

I stood tall but ashamed 


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Freedom is a common term

it’s often said but seldom seen

the idea is easy to get

but hard to grasp

that’s what it’s all about


if you reach for it

you will never get close

accept the fact that you can’t catch it

the hurrier you go

the more you get left behind


it was always right here

it ain’t hard to find

somewhere between the boundaries of life

and ...

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freedomfearlimited view

Hold On Me

I've got some secrets I admit, but who are you to decide if this is as far as I'll get? I don't want to pass with my pride out of reach but I also really want to no longer fucking breathe

Nail all the images I try to escape from along the lining of my mind. Then manifest each one into what I truly fear inside.

Shedding my skin just to slide back into the same disguise I thought I'd destroyed...

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Covers face

Unknown eyes watching

Religious tolerance found wanting




Double standards

Stops the spread

Of disease and death


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covid 19day 23(84)double eleveniedouble standardsfearmasksnapowrimo2017religionreligous intolerancesafety

Primal Howl

Hurdling moral barriers, 

past caution flags of life,

towards red lights,

to feel alive,

something, anything. 

Excitement rising 

in your second brain,

adrenaline coursing

through collapsed veins, 

primal howl, 

lost in the now,

while consequences growl,

like a tornado.


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I have never felt so alone

As the time spent in November fogs

When I was not yet in my teens

Wrapped in heavy clothes

With hat down low

And scarf around my face


Cut off from the world

By this dense yellowing cloud

Unable to see more than a few feet

In front of you

And the hollow muffled sound

Of someone heading towards you


All other backgro...

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day23echofearfognapowrimo2018pea-soupersoundstrange world


Strange times but

What if this is a precursor?

We look to scientists yet

They're human too.

All we all in the dark

All of us being softened up?

Do others watch and wait while we

Kid ourselves in


Is this what a guinea-pig in a

Laboratory feels like?

It was a virus that saw off the

Martians so

By all means panic but

In case they come in for t...

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The Lodger

The Lodger


We let him in

And he stayed


He had been pleading

Out there

Wanting somewhere to stay


At first we thought he was just like all the others

Some fly-by-night who would be here then gone


But no

He wanted to hang around


He was everywhere

Into everything

He made us change our daily routine

He was probably in the kitchen (and we w...

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napowrimo2020day 30covid 19lodgerreturnsecond spikefearin houseinfectionwarning

Scary Things

Scary Things

That scary thing won’t happen.
Reject it; stand against it.
Get in its face, like a boss.
Break its nose; then laugh at its blood.

Has the worst thing come to pass?
How many times in your life?
That anxiety demon;
kills us a thousand times, before death.

I will pray about it now.
I will believe I am safe.
I will trust that I am free
I will give love, and love some mo...

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Powerfearspoken wordtruth

Lost Letter

Last conversation

Stuck on replay

Wrote a letter

Scribbled on a few pages

Just to fall into the crevices 

Of my heart

Words missing to a story untold

About two strangers afraid 

To see what might unfold

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Fear is the real virus.

Who will close the last door?
A virus brings you in prison.
But fear is the real disease,
Panic and Hysteria 
Cause all the symptoms.
It gives the powerful more power
And the lonely ones
More loneliness.
Isolation is not healthy,
Fears just make us sick.
Go out and live,
Don't read the news
And you will stay healthy.

©️ By Magical whispers 

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A songbird’s sweet melody 

ushers angels to

light up your lonely lair, 

shoo fears away, 

make peace with your pain, 

set your spirit free...

to love, 


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angelsfearhealingLonelinessLove. Lifepain

Afraid Of the Dark

How many times must I rinse off the moon

And unpeel the stars from my skin?

Have someone ask what were you drinking?

How many times must I try clinging to lamp lights?

Try configuring keys into shining beacons?

I cannot see in the dark

Yes, blackouts steal my sight

But when finished,

I wake up feeling feverish

And fear ferments and festers

The night can be sticky


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raperape cultureexhaustedcopingdenialmental healthconfrontationstrugglegalaxystarsmoonmetaphorfearscarredtraumadrinkingissuesInternal

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