The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

future (Remove filter)

Age 3

Age 3

Think of the child age 3 what she will do when she’s older

Who will be annoy who will she love where will she work

What will her mum think of her the bosses in work

Not to mention family members who’re older

Know so much more and those rival friends

Who name call pull hair bite scratch bully

The gal can learn karate to grow in and out

Becoming a black belt teacher an...

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childfuturepersonwhat if

Just me and I

I live in a land On a bank Looking over an ocean I live in a land Where my future Is always bright But never clear On that bank I sit there thinking Wondering why The sun never quite sets Looiking at that ocean I see nothing Nothing but space I live in a land Where space is close Enough to reach From my bank All it takes Is one short walk ...

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Superbly Pretty

Superbly Pretty

Pretty dance of laser fire

Multi coloured megawatt beams

Frying all they touch

Superbly pretty yet evil

Beyond Hell the capability

Fired from orbiting spaceships


Close to a planet

Or a galaxy away

Up close is good

See the results

The planet melts

People are gas

It's over fast




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