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politics (Remove filter)

Zimbabwe, November 2017

Zimbabwe, November 2017


I'm not a fan of coups

But if this one ousts Mugabe

Then, woohoo!

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Ignorance is bliss

So I guess that they've imprisoned us into this predetermined preposition 

When the truth is there so blatantly but we can't help but not to listen 

Because ignorance is bliss so we'll stay blissfully unaware 

As to the GMO's in all our food and the geo engineering in the air 

I suppose we'll go organic and refuse the water from the tap 

What about the metals likened to a subtle che...

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They come together

                in this place outside

yet at the centre of our world.

We have asked of them

                our destiny

Have demanded nothing of them

                except our future.

Who are these gods in whom we place our trust?

Who are these gods that we have selected?

                These are the senate that we once elected:

The senators that ...

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Fair Game

Some claim they don't do politics 

Cos it's a game of dirty tricks

That powerful people try to fix

I guess that much is true.


I too can see what's going wrong

The same sad singers sing the same sad songs

Leaving no space for me and you

To feel that we belong.


But if that leaves us in a rage

Which makes us choose not to engage

We leave for them an empty stage


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Politicsdirty tricksengagement

The Devil Don't Own Me

The Devil Don’t Own Me


He may have saluted the corrupted cross

In Hitler’s Germany,

or whispered to Judas Iscariot,

hanging from a tree,

he could have pulled the trigger finger

back in nineteen sixty three,

he may own the soul of rock and roll

but the Devil don’t own me.


He may pollute the air we breath

or the raging, deep blue, sea.

He may breath on pola...

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DevilpoliticsSelling Your SoulSoulTory

For the volunteers @ Caernarfon castle - May 2017

Here we stand 'twixt mighty walls

Which once were feared by one and all

Today the bravest swordsmen's face

Jeans and jumper have replaced.

We're here for artists on display

To banish thoughts so torn astray

By Donlad Trump & Theresa May

Of meanness, cruelty and shame 

And all that humans do complain

And therefore just for a while

Replace our thoughts and hidden smile


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CaernarfonPoliticsArtdonald trumpTheresa May

Big Brother TV

Everything watered down as to not offend
There's no relationship you need to mend
WHen you've got the tv as a friend
Taking comfort in Big Brother once again
Your day feels like the one before
Sick of all your slavery chores
Throw everything down on the floor
To find out celebrity whispers behind closed doors
The A to Z of who's banging who
The story of the latest murder on the news
A zi...

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TV cultureCelebrity Big Brothercelebrityliespoliticsbrain washeddumbed downpolitically correctcensorshippure evil


the world awakes most mornings
and the news is always black
the newsreader is commenting
on another violent attack
another poor soul's been murdered
in search of another cause
it's always religion or politics
that starts the numerous wars
all in the name of religion
it makes my blood run cold
how can people do this?
how can they be so bold
spouting ideologies
they never seem to pause

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Paper Planet Spinner Kid

Common sense would dictate

That when a website uses the concept of pounds...

...I think they're pounds? Maybe?

Well, that should indicate the base of operations; Britan.

...United Kingdom...?

Maybe just.....generally European?


My knowledge of globes, that explain the world in quilted patches is small. I only recall that lines we're drawn with sticks at some point and dec...

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Connor LannesGovernmentPoliticsThoughts

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