The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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First person, singular, Agra, India

in a taxi

after 13 hours travelling

sleeping over towles that cover old seats

not asking ourselves what is underneath

arriving at the yellow entrance of the homestay

with flowers, when just outside

there is a cow with a naked kid on a side

what is more peaceful and wrong at the same time?

I can't imagine I can only rhyme

harmony, yes, is that touch on your eyes

and su...

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Candle Maker

He Sold Energy To Pay The Pills.
He Left The Mob But He Didn’t Go Home.
Inspiration Struck Like Lightning.
His Hat Flew As The Wind Picked-Up.
Inside The Mind, Behind His Eyes,
Always Feeling The Highway.
Half The Time He Don’t Know.
Here Comes The Next Corner To Nowhere.
Figures You’d Seek The Corner Of Your Eyes.
It’s Always Been Him 
And He’s Always Been Me.
My Muse Fleeting 
And My...

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Cannibal JonesPower


Dr. Love (or How I Learned to Stop Wallowing and Write Poetry)

By: Rodolfo Perez


Love is (sometimes) patient,

Love is (sometimes) kind,

And sometimes, love is a needle in the eye,

Or a kick to the groin.


It is a cliff-hanger,

With your mother waiting to catch you,

When you let go.


It is losing your voice,

From crying into your pillow.


It is real...

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