The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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United We Stand & Together We Thrive

[  ] Listen To Wisdom & Become Wise

[  ] Knowledge Is Power Only A Fool Can Despise

[  ] We Were Once Driven, But Now We Drive

[  ] Men & Women We Are, Now We Provide

[  ] Neutrality We Should Choose, Not Blindly Picking Sides.

[  ] Prayers, Heads High, Eyes To The Sky

[  ] Oh Beautiful Universe Be Our Guide

[  ] Thy Say Time Is Forever Now It's Our Time!

[ ...

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Wisdomworld inspirationunitypowerbetter future


I read her mind

she's like a book

no chapter worth a second look


my life-sentence

jailed on a page

brackets bar this printed cage


her musings pour

bound by rude glue

she rarely takes you anywhere new


she intends to

edit me out

I'm two two-dimensional; I cannot shout


other fellows

fill the pages

to supplement her bulging wages



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All That I Am (Power To Decide)

 What we have may be decided by many things
 But we alone control what we will be.
 We are how we act.
 If the power to affect what we are and what we do exists at all
 It comes from us alone, and is given and taken wherever we choose.


 I am not magnetic, 
 Money shall have no power over me.

 I am not eternal. 
 Time shall have no power over me.

 I am not blind to the wo...

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meditationall that I ampowerloveself-determination

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