Jesus (Remove filter)
He Could Have
He could have come to rule the world,
he should have been a king.
He could have had all that he want,
but then what would it bring?
For he knew who he was and also
what the world would need.
Thus, he chose life a poor man’s son
who lived a life to bleed
upon the cross, between two thieves,
completely left alone.
‘Twould seem at glance a failure
in this w...
Friday 15th March 2024 9:36 pm
How Heaven
It seems that life’s a limbo so if eternity is as well,
it’s hard to not conclude that every outcome will be hell.
For everything we do, in time fades into mundane dust.
The shiny steel of bliss today each next day gains more rust.
So how can Heaven hold its awe when eons pass like days?
For golden streets walked once too oft seem normal in their ways.
There mu...
Monday 11th March 2024 5:48 pm
By The Well
Twas an ordinary scene on an ordinary day,
she an ordinary woman on her ordinary way.
Doing work of little consequence, she walked to Jacob’s Well.
Could she have known that someday all would know her tale?
For as she went to fill her pot a man she noticed there,
who were he any other Jew would not have stopped to care.
But he took time and bid her, “Dip the cup and give me ...
Monday 11th March 2024 5:46 pm
Time Wanes Thin
I never felt to push or shove
people toward the God of love.
It seemed that it was not my place,
“Just give them time and give them space”.
But then I came to understand,
when vision of a failing dam
appeared in revelation’s dream,
and as I dreamt I looked to see
a town that lay downstream below.
In dead of night, they did not know
that little time rema...
Thursday 29th February 2024 7:08 pm
Labor In The Field
Some were hired at the break of day, a price to work the field.
Then others hired each passing hour and given the same deal.
And when the eve was drawing nigh the Master with good will
looked out and saw some in the streets who yet were waiting still.
So, then he went to them and asked, "Why have ye labored not?"
They answered, "We have not been hired though labour we have...
Thursday 29th February 2024 7:06 pm
One Hair
I thought to change one hair tonight
from white to black, atop my head.
It seemed a try would be alright
while lying here upon my bed.
I called out to the powers that be
in all their forms amidst the sky,
but nothing changed at all for me
though I had given my best try.
I guess it’s human nature
to control the things at hand.
To try and make sure ever...
Tuesday 13th February 2024 4:07 am
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