love (Remove filter)
December Rainy Night
Starring out my window this December rainy night,
all I can do is long for you again.
Sometimes I feel I’m over you, like maybe I just might
move on and forget about all that’s been.
But as the raindrops fall, all of the tears I hold inside
come tumbling down as blue skies turn to grey.
And then it doesn’t matter much, how hard I have tried
to let you go and go another wa...
Thursday 20th February 2025 11:13 pm
What's Left Of Love
Too many nights, too many times
I've woke in sweat and had to find
a way to push you out again,
and pray once more that this will end.
That from my heart you'll finally leave
and not come back into my dreams.
For I am old enough to know
the years have made our love run cold.
And I am wise enough to see…
I only love your memory.
Thursday 21st March 2024 1:25 am
Sunset Memory
An old porch swing made once for two.
Cool night breeze calling out to you.
Ten thousand memories rise above,
the sunset waters of our love.
Just like the day slips into the night,
the love we had that was oh so right
it slipped away. It slipped away,
like day slips into night.
Was our love doomed to come and pass,
one day as fire, one day as ash?
Night afte...
Saturday 16th March 2024 10:40 am
Shallow Breath
Soft moonlit eyes that paralyze.
Unbridled passion on the rise.
The room afire in fading light.
Fragrant desire fills up the night.
As worlds dissolve, so unaware.
Entangled in your casual stare.
Nowhere to hide. No way to see.
No self-control inside of me.
Slow motion moves through tangled time.
In shallow breath I feel that I’m
adrift upon your velvet sea...
Friday 15th March 2024 9:41 pm
Same Old Song
The torn remain
of what was plain
waves now ore frozen ground,
in winds that blow
cold ice and snow
and other feelings down.
There isn’t much
left in a touch
to calm the trembling hand.
For winter’s chill
falls colder still
in cloak across the land.
The settled dust
and cankered rust
guard safe against the grain,
while fading dim
from deep ...
Friday 15th March 2024 9:11 pm
Lifelong Friend
When all the leaves fall from the trees,
what does it mean to you and me?
Perhaps it wasn't meant to be
as now we reach the end.
Is there some place we didn't go?
We tried every fork in the road,
and never seemed to find a home.
My dear, what's at the end?
But we're ok. Yeah, certainly
we could have done things differently.
But side by side we took this ride
and so what is to ga...
Saturday 9th March 2024 3:24 pm
Almost There For You
Sailed an ocean just to reach you,
passed through a hurricane or two,
hit land to find a ring upon your hand.
I was almost there for you.
Crossed a continent to find you,
every hardship I passed through,
at ocean’s rim you were there with him.
I was almost there for you.
Does it pay to lay your heart on the line,
or believe that true love’s true?
Now I spend my time traveling on, I’m...
Saturday 9th March 2024 3:03 pm
Piece That Is Missing
The piece that is missing
is the piece of my heart
that I threw like a stone
when our love fell apart.
Without looking I threw it
as far as I could.
Now I’m stuck with the fact…
that I’ve lost it for good.
Monday 4th March 2024 4:15 pm
A Final Note
First note chimes,
long silence gone.
Like breath again
or light at dawn.
Pure joy to hear,
healed by each note.
Lost in the melody,
finding hope.
With new life comes
new eyes too see,
and ears to hear
but eventually…
the song winds down,
fire fades to smoke.
For each song has
a final note.
Monday 4th March 2024 4:10 pm
Love Enough
Love has so many forms by which it shows itself each day,
in simple acts of kindness made in quite heartfelt ways.
Sometimes it takes a hand and spends the time to show it cares.
Sometimes it takes a few steps back while broken hearts repair.
And every time two lovers finally cross each other's path,
it jumps with joy to have the chance to work its favorite task.
Monday 26th February 2024 2:12 am
Sometimes love is easy, so natural and pure,
but often it isn’t that clear.
Like fog in the morning makes traveling unsure,
not knowing which way you should steer.
For what comes the day you must make the hard choice,
between two you desperately you need?
It’s like choosing whether to hear or have voice,
no matter the answer you bleed.
Then how do you make a deci...
Monday 26th February 2024 2:10 am
Til Time Stands Still
It was a beautiful story,
I wish it was my own.
It makes me think of you,
so every now and then
I turn it on.
Was the first song we danced to,
it made us fall in love.
Now every time it plays
I see your face,
you’re all I think of.
Why does it seem true loves
are always kept apart?
Is it cruel fate,
a form of bait
that’s used to crush the he...
Friday 23rd February 2024 1:37 am
The stars that fill the midnight sky,
or single grains of sand
cannot compare to all his works
too vast to understand.
What number counts the drops of rain
that make the oceans wide?
How many hours and days and years
fill up eternal life?
How far the furthest star lies from
the meager grasp of man?
How far across this universe
hath he stretched fo...
Monday 19th February 2024 2:20 am
For The One
Love is a game, a journey of sorts,
a search for the one who is right.
And of all the seekers, just what do they know,
are not all just travelers at night?
For it seems in darkness they search hill and dale,
hoping to find their true love.
Awash in the masses, a literal throng,
mixed in amongst push and shove.
And so, as you seek for to find it y...
Thursday 15th February 2024 12:35 am
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