The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 10 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Happiness (Remove filter)

Never Put Off Your Happiness Until Later


Never regret the past days,

Never put off your happiness for tomorrow.

Believe in the dawn rays,

Don't look back without any sorrow.



Set up your aims and go ahead,

Don't interfere in others business,

Be kind and help the others instead,

It's time to have your fitness.



Call up your dearest ones at once,

They are waiting for you on the phone.


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What is Happiness

An expensive car is not your happiness

An expensive dress is not your prettiness

An expensive phone can be a trifle

A cruel word can be a rifle

Only fools can think another way

Every word a clever man will weigh

You are happy and rich

When you live together with a friend

And the life with him has no end

When your children are so healthy

And your family is wealthy


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Happiness of a man is not in possibility to chose a woman out of a million,

Happiness of a man is in possibility to allow himself to be with the only loved one.

Out of millions there are hundreds of beauties.

Out of millions there are hundreds of jealous.

Out of millions there are hundreds of desirable.

But… they are not loved.

Out of millions there can be only one...

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