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perfume (Remove filter)

Perfume «A La Larissa»


“A La Larissa” perfume has appeared!

The fragrance of it is great and near.

It’s just for your elegance and intelligence.

It’s not for the masses!

It’s for the women in the evening dresses.

It’s for the ladies of extra classes.


This perfume is an explosion of warmth,

It gives you real sexual storms.

It gives you the enveloping notes,

It raises your best emotes,


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A La Larissa Perfume


“A La Larissa” perfume has appeared!

The fragrance of it is great and neared.

It’s just for your elegance and intelligence.

It’s not for the masses!

It’s for the women in the evening dresses.

It’s for the ladies of extra classes.

This perfume is an explosion of warmth,

It gives you real sexual storms.

It gives you the enveloping notes,

It rises up your ...

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