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Panama a love story. Late 1982.

Panama Love a short story.


The Panama canal is about 51 miles long. Constructed to save the hazardous and longer trip around the infamous Cape Horn. Its an engineering wonder! Made by man to connect the Atlantic sea with the Pacific Ocean it was started by the French in the eighteen hundreds who gave up because of the death rate among workers, which was in the hundreds, it was finished by ...

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Ah' Chris mate. 8th June 1982.Ah' Chris mate. 8th June 1982.

Preamble.... Im reposting this in memory of my mate. From time ago. Young men who thought war was something to do with excitement and proud times. I'd tell you there are now more veterans of the Falklands war have killed themselves then died in the war. 



Ah’ Chris mate,

What a fate,

We’d laughed 

and cavorted

Before the fun.

I’d had sex

In Pompey

And lots of rum.


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war poetry. memoryhuman loss. freindship.

The nameless.

Don’t name them

Too many names

No names

Names can

Be missed

Your name

Their name

So no names

No religion

All faiths die

No colour

Whats colour

No country

No wealth

It doesn’t


No language

No measure

of intelligence

All tongues

Are stilled

For lifes




Child with


You are beautiful

You c...

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The history of 

Organised religions

Has never passed rent free

Its stressed in carven stone

Lost in craven moan

Soulless seeking souls

Reaching for a missing heaven

Misfits of recognition

Blighting of long tradition

Give them back their freedom.

Until its passed its kingdom 

To face a faithless fate

Is not to miss the gate

For those that see the strife


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Take the ugly things.

Take the ugly things

The twisted forlorn

Fallow empty cold

Ugly things.

The despised, feral

rancid vapid tepid

Broken things.

The ambitions

the contradictions.

that bastardise

humanity and 

kick human frailty.

Into damaged things.

To progress on

Imagined ladder

built on the rotten

Wood of greed.

Greed ugly creed.

For recognition

and blind am...

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Cut the applause

And stop the fight.

Not everyone

Can see the light.

Its the darkest

Depths of night.

Look out  the 

Broken window



Sure looks funny.

Its all lost.

Its not on the money.

See my heart

Broken on a shard.

Cut To ribbons

On a knife

Made of velvet.

I can’t stop bleeding

From eyes

That don’t see.

Don’t think


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24 hours of love Gas Town Vancouver.

Ive often wandered if I’ve kissed

The serial killer in our midst.

I was on a bit of a sailing manoeuvre 

Across in rainy dank Vancouver


Her name was Mona,

Mona Bird 

Yes lemon curds the rhymah.

And her mothers name was Mynah.


Occasionally worried about the strife 

Cause she always carried a knife

Met her in a club in Gas-town

Vancouver city 

The Orange...

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Manic Depression

I suffer from manic depression.

Sometimes slow turning.

Sometimes obsession.

Thats a quick slow lesson.

In less obvious passion.

In which I fashion

A life of ridiculous…ness.

Quite a mess

But sometimes 

Great success.

But “they” decided

To medicate success 

from my life.

That they labeled strife.


So they gave me lithium

And I didn’t like 


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The Rock

Flaming heads to muddled waters

Put them through to general quarters

The thoughts fly free

Giving truth the lee.


Lost minds unravel

As routes less travel

To places long ago

Places free to go.


Locked in patterns

Given to waste

When will we stop

Burning our world.


See this world

In complexity?

Try to see

The absurdity.


Sisyphus roll...

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The Anti Shanty

Take yer shanties and shove em.

Take yer white foam flying.

Take yer fair winds blowing.

Take yer furrows following fucking freely.

And shove em.


Yer songs about masts and sails

and rolling, rollicking singing and fun in gail’s.

Phoney fallacious frigging fantasy folklore.

Unreal figures dancing and prancing.

Shove em. 


The truth is filth and fury


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Sweet love


Pain deep 



Torn asunder


Deeper than

Deepest darkness




Pained behest



Lossless gone

To cosmos



No future 

To gain

Within pain.




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Struggling through

The weeds

Feet dragging

in sand

Sun glaring


With its


Of warmth

Trying to

Reach water

For the cool


She washed cum 

From the 

Palm of her hand

In a bowl of

Holy water

Etched a cross 

In the dirt on

The back of her


With the same


Feet cut on 

hidden glass

Pockets picked


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Falling down assisted by

9.2 meters per second.

Tears heading downward cried.

Spots on the face beckon.

Falling feathers for the face.


Salted rivulets embrace

Nooks and crannies of the face.

Cascading at a steady pace

Familiar to the human race.

Tears born in scary place.


Is there anyone who never cried

Oops I just espied

over there they told a lie.


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The bookshop

Walking on squeaky floorboards

Occupying space

Previously walked

At a nurtured pace.


How much time

Have people taken

To scan the walls

And see the books?


The smell of written beauty

In a time of pixels

Smell the pages

Of history.


Looking through

Piles of literary minds

Looking for that goldmine.

That transports and enthrals. 



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They twisted in space

Coiled like two serpents.

Hero’s and monsters

Set me free.

Set me on the road

To be.

Sometimes prison

Sometimes sky.

Limitless in

Learning and

desolate in remembering.

There needs to be

A place to flee.

A space of acclamation.

But all I find 

In my star crossed mind

Is reduction

To destruction.

Its the world that


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Dublin 2000

I took a trip to the wildest place

Where no one could deceive me.


It was a place nearer hell

I know you won’t believe me.


The walls shone so bright

Only the skirl could make me free.


So I sold my soul with greatest ease

So I should never have to see.


And we danced once again.

To the sound of the pipes of Dublin.


To the sound of the pipes of Du...

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Your seven

Walking hand in hand

Your seven.

Wide eyes.

Big world.

Small warm hand

Reaches for and

Buries in my paw.

Mans hand, callouses and oil.

But still fists full of love.

Protection and love.

We kick leaves.


Golds and reds.

Asphalt coated

In browns and beauty.

The leaves fly up

Whirl and flow


Unplanned patterns.

Stick to our shoes


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Soul (less)

The history of 

Organised religions

Has never passed rent free

Its stressed in carven stone

Lost in craven moan

Soulless seeking souls

Reaching for a missing heaven

Misfits of recognition

Blighting of long tradition

Give them back their freedom.

Until its passed its kingdom 

To face a faithless fate

Is not to miss the gate

For those that see the strife


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Chemo Pharmacopeia

Neutropenic, neutropenia,

White blood cells,

Haven't seen ya,

Smorgasbord analgesia,

Flowing chemicals,

Splitting cellular. 

Morphine drips,

Dripping calm for yer.

Picolax its the max,

Movicol movements,

Helping derrière.

Got your Nabilone,

Keeps your vomit home.

Sleep all day,

Pain free day?

We’ve got it here for yer.

Stop the trolley, 

Its not t...

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Surfing the sky

Surfing in a deep blue sky

Painted pictures line the eye.

Limitless movement

Endless improvement.

Looking up to an empty sky

See a lonely rainbow fly.

And after dark 

Like a million sparks

The stars wink like beating hearts

Pumping celestial blood

To starving parts.

And when I look 

And see those stars

I’ll always wander 

If your there

Dancing on stars


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The thief of life stole furtively onto the dance floor. 

And danced his dance of death.

Which became a dance of life.

A vast ballroom full of balls.

Spinning and backdrops showing the soul.

fearlessly stacked on high kicking legs.

Singing blossoming ballads of beauty.

The fight back shouts choruses of courage.

And sambas of selfless serenity.

Mohamed and Jesus pogoed for...

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My heart is crying

Look at the tears 

Look at the fears

If tears were ears

We’d hear the world

The world weeping

For the pain of lost youth


We can build a bomb

But we cant build a cure.


If tears were eyes

We’d see them all

All the brave young hearts

Fighting to beat

Beating to fight 

On fragile feet

The one step flight

Two step dance


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This was a Dylan day

Full of romance and


I sang along

With blood in my eyes

And wandered at

The women I have 


And would we still

Be together

If I was Bob Dylan

And was

Forever young. 


But tomorrow will be

A day of anger

And hate

And I’ll sit in my car

And shout


Rancid songs 

Out loud

At pedestrians

And driv...

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Freedom of the mind.

Flaming heads to muddled waters

Put them through to general quarters

The thoughts fly free

Giving truth the lee.


Lost minds unravel

As routes less travel

To places long ago

Places free to go.


Locked in patterns

Given to waste

When will we stop

Burning our world.


See this world

In complexity?

Try to see

The absurdity.


Sisyphus roll...

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The sad eyes of winter

Turned slowly

To the doe eyed

Glances of spring


Birds sing

Vibrant song

And flutter

Newly freed wings.


The light creeps

Quietly, early.

And brightens

Another new morning.


The step lightens

With steady pace.

Its good sometimes

To be in the human race.

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The Anti Shanty 2016

Take yer shanties and shove em.

Take yer white foam flying.

Take yer fair winds blowing.

Take yer furrows following fucking freely.

And shove em.


Yer songs about masts and sails

and rolling, rollicking singing and fun in gail’s.

Phoney fallacious frigging fantasy folklore.

Unreal figures dancing and prancing.

Shove em. 


The truth is filth and fury


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Vancouver 24 hour of love 1980

Ive often wandered if I’ve kissed

The serial killer in our midst.

I was on a bit of a sailing manoeuvre 

Across in rainy dank Vancouver


Her name was Mona,

Mona Bird 

Yes lemon curds the rhymah.

And her mothers name was Mynah.


Occasionally worried about the strife 

Cause she always carried a knife

Met her in a club in Gas-town

Vancouver city 

The Orange...

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Scream me a proverb

Punch me a portrait

Kick me a scream

Throw me a lifeline

Pain me a dream


Breath me a mouthful

Exhale me a dot

Kill me twice over

Send me to rot


Hold my head under

Bleed me from eyes

Chop out my liver

Cover me in lies


Walk on beside me

While I feel myself run

Pour me your whiskey

From the mouth of a gun


Dig me up twice

Bury me a...

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My Son my sun

The cool clear beauty

that is your face to me.

The seeing of you 

that made me feel free.


Your calm and kind smile

gentleness by the mile.

The strength of your mind

That made you so kind.


Your flyaway words

soaring like birds.

Swooping and gliding

wisdom abiding.


Your generosity of spirit

your kindness of soul.

Your limitless friendship


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Slice of heaven Sydney 1987

In a slice of Eastern heaven

in nineteen eighty seven.

I sat on twenty million dollars,

worth of paint


From on the Island.

Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Where poor people 

see rich people stroll along.


My mate the bosun

Ng and I were close uns 

We rolled together

In all the weather


Shipmates through and through.

I’m the officer and he’s the crew.

We k...

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The sad eyes of winter

Turned slowly

To the doe eyed

Glances of spring


Birds sing

Vibrant song

And flutter

Newly freed wings.


The light creeps

Quietly, early.

And brightens

Another new morning.


The step lightens

With steady pace.

Its good sometimes

To be in the human race.


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Still still still day.

Still today.

Stiller then yesterday.

Yesterday was still.

Today is still stiller still.
Don't move, don't stir.
Just be still.
Just be there.

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New York 1979

Twenty years old

By six days


New boss on the line

I’m very cocky feeling fine.

“Have you travelled”…

“Of course I’ve travelled,

Ive been to Bridlington”.

“Good then New York

will be a doddle

for such a sophisticate”.

I say I can’t wait

But I feel like somethings bait.


Joining first big ship

Making such a primary trip

Making first flight

Eye’s ...

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Mr Fate

I’m sad, Mr Fate is

No longer my mate

The back of my head

Sees red mist 

And a wall

With a picture 

Screaming in its


Grey fat 


Drips and slides

Wars late




Impulse is fun

But to be


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When I dance in my minds eye with angels.

And fear being deserted and alone.

I saw the old woman in the church yard 

saying another goodbye at the same stone

painting another farewell scene of ancient love.

And I don’t fear that which lies beneath the grass

deep in soil and farewell clothes 

and trinkets of memories sent on a journey

of hopeless hopes and boundless groundle...

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When you have cancer

The world becomes smaller.

The world becomes hospitals.

Chemicals and Nabilone.

Hope and dreams to confess.

Free for you from the NHS.

So the world is smaller

Yet its also bigger.

Because the fight that you make

Is the same all over the world.

Unless its America.

Dollars mean care.

We get it for free.

Because some one made an NHS dare.


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Heart on fire

The flames licked eagerly at my heart

How long had we been apart?

It seemed a lifetime now

But truth bends in sad dismay.


I try to stare into infinity

But see just tomorrow before me.

Its all too late my psyche states

Its all gone its all to late.


My embalmed mind kisses

All that it misses and misses.

Florid in obscurity

Searching for that purity.



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Recruitment Office 1979

I don’t know 

How about that

I think you are

A bit of a twat

Ive lived a life

Ive lost some words

Grandma cooked

Lemon curds

She’d been bombed

Id been conned

Into the same

No one to blame

Oh wait

Yes there is

Her lemon curds

And mince pies

Meant more then

Their lies

That she learnt

In a blackout

I didn’t learn

In an office

With a sh...

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Grandad 1930


Grand lad

Blanket row


East Yorkshire


Battle garland

“Oppy wood”

18 yrs old

Covered in mud

Killing and dying

Mired in blood

Lived to

Be broken

Lived to be token

Of the man who

Left grandma’s house.


Became fist fighter

Became bare knuckle




Champion of 

Old Hull

With his 


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Men women and children

Pushed behind a wall

A barbed wire fence

Starved of sustenance

Limited health care

Slow education

No job opportunities

Daily fear of death

Racial hatred

The constant anger 

And fear of the gun

Made to live in squaller

Hopeless children

No place to call home

Summary execution

Crammed together

No hope no future

Soldiers always...

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Butlins Filey 1960 something.

The shed smells of shit


Its not a shed its a chalet

Its boxed happiness

Its freedom

From desolation

Its a summery


With a swimming pool


Full of polio


Cold shivering 

skinny kid


Its the place

We leap

Like national sheep

Laughing in unison

Drunken fornication

Shimmering castigation

We were all happy

Happy happy happ...

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Ah' Chris mate. 8th June 1982.

Ah’ Chris mate,

What a fate,

We’d laughed 

and cavorted

Before the fun.

I’d had sex

In Pompey

And lots of rum.

It’d take a lot

To make us run.

You in your engine room

Me in mine.

All seemed well

All seemed fine.

Your ship

Was knightly

Mine was grey

As we both looked

Out on that misty day.

We’d just spoken

Just said g’day.

From hundreds...

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When the bough breaks

When the bough breaks

And falls to the fathomless earth

When the ground shakes

And it feels like rebirth


Do we look to the skies

With tear stained eyes

Or swallow the bread

And bury our dead.


Is life the only slot

To protect from this blinding spot

Or are we energy

To fly back to the heavens.


There’s no answer

Only faith to relive

The only a...

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Dressed as a pauper.

looks like a thief.

Pushing the boundaries 

Of your disbelief.

The raggedy man

in raggedy pants.

Arguing loudly

incoherent rants.

Stares covered in shame

Thinking of different

things to blame.

Don’t talk to him

he’s only a tramp.

Stay away from

his miserable stance.

Heap your scorn

on his shambling form.

Never minding why


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No title.

We looked at the fear

And asked its name.

But how could you bloody tell

When alls on to hell.


I looked out the window

And it looked back

All my belongings in a sack

I really couldn’t tell


A hessian bag filled with shit

I marched to the pipes

And lost her name

I knew it wasn’t quite a game


But how could I fucking tell

We all can go to hell.


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Valparaiso around Cape Horn 1985.

Bob Dylan 

Guided people to their places

In the cemetery

Wearing a top hat

We were gone


To Valparaiso

The Horn was sick and busy

I vomited my breakfast.

Pinochet welcomed us

With hands held out.

Marlborough and whiskey and 

Threats with burp guns.

Dont mention Victor…

Don’t mention the Stadium de Santiago.

Don’t mention Pinochet

Dragging mind i...

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What was tonight?

Whiskey and water.


Arguments surreptitiously


“My husbands a cunt.

But I stay with him.

He fucked the next door neighbour!

I told that bitch and she left.”

Cigarette passes between lips.

Smoke inhaled.

Scared of the night.

Afraid to leave, 

Afraid to stay.

Lost in a miasma

Of friendship, love and fear.

Strangers awash in...

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New York two 1980

Leaving the noise of yellow cabs

Touting for business

In poisonous fume filled ghetto

Egyptian American driver


But not here

They say and stare

“Not here. Idiot”.

“Not here man”.


Stumbling life blind 

Through the mists

And through the twists

And breathing the stinking air

Fetid furious oxygen theft 

Buildings covered in art

1980 New York. 


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Jack Dempsy's bar New York 1983

Oh god. Oh Dear.

A hangover in New York New York.

Small recollections through

hazes of alcohol pulsed pain.

Shaking fingers fumbling 

for coffee and cigarette.

In a dark wood cased  cabin

from sweat stinking bunk.

A million other people

who jerked through the same dance

Night before around the world.

I stepped in time with you.


On subways that fled past


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White light

When the bough breaks

And falls to the fathomless earth

When the ground shakes

And it feels like rebirth


Do we look to the skies

With tear stained eyes

Or swallow the bread

And bury our dead.


Is life the only slot

To protect from this blinding spot

Or are we energy

To fly back to the heavens.


There’s no answer

Only faith to relive

The only a...

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