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unrequited love (Remove filter)

buddy can you spare

you’re cold, button up,

batten down the hatched glass

these mean talking ghosts offer

little anonymity to the  marrowfat

of shoulder high memories


sister in all but time

an “a star” in the morning


yet the many delights,

ours but for the cleansed eyes

and thighs, came as you sounded

memory in your truth’s thunder


blackened through evi...

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Walk Through September and Make it to the Other Side

hear the sound of every rusted, blunted mace

as they greet and meet  through gravity’s lack of grace,

each at thirty two point two,

the fateful rate of this heaving season


where fruits misplace a summer’s trust to kiss the dirt

and, where they fall, corrode and stall the wheels of love

for those we find untouchable


while yet our hearts may still enmesh, b...

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autumnfallmortalityunrequited love

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