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Spoken word + music




You may besiege our gates

But we will never yield to hate.

You will never take our streets,

We will never accept defeat.

See the lovers love,

While the haters hate

Who will have their day in paradise?

What will be their fate?

We’ll continue to live our lives,

And never bow to flashing knives.

We will never bow to terror.

So don’t make the fatal...

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Take up the slack
Take the strain
Live my life ...
Absorb my pain
The ups and downs
The smiles and frowns
In fairly equal measure.
Times to remember
Times to forget
Times to treasure
Times to regret.
Things I’ve done but shouldn’t
Things I wanted to do but couldn’t
Always something holding me back
Or was that just an excuse
To cover up the lack
Of ambition
There’s no-one...

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