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poetry (Remove filter)

through the eyes of a stranger


Through the eyes of a stranger,
I walk the crowded streets,
My thoughts hidden behind
A façade of indifference.
Always writing under breath
Each step the rhythm of a song

I listen for the murmurs,
The stories left half-told,
And with borrowed breath,
I weave their words into verse,
A silent chronicler,
Of lives intertwined.

Beneath the surface of each face,
A universe of fe...

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verse on a hill

A known quantity bereft of quality;
a name of little beyond its letters,
by road’s shoulder perhaps guide

to openly weep a slippery slope
of once having known someone’s art
yet lay hold naught of their heart

eternally flowing river of kindnesses
shall meander, thoughts ever caress
even when words and faces now drift

a familiar feeling remains here still
years invested this regenera...

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Ebook out and charting!

It's made the charts at! Top 4, could it rise up more?!

Help a fellow WOL poet out and get your own copy of The Writing Group.

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new moon

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with reckless abandon

in its purest form
the simplest of 
possible affirmations
is to be loved in return

in similar manner
the most complex of
probable affirmations
is reciprocating like affection

in conclusion, then, 
it seems most apparent
to appreciate with reckless
abandon the air we breathe

for we build tomorrows 
on these simplest, most 
basic of molecules, our
humble bricks of being


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poetry by numbers

numbers do not the soul touch
or rouse from depths of reverie
whose shallow sepulchral beauty
surface deep revelations aplenty
plead with matrimonial vows
parchment scribbles & ceremonies
do not a marriage make and
neither will ice cream make us
any colder after calories kick in
poetry’s soul may ride its form
but it transcends empirical parts
its triumph: Pinocchio shedding his strings


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poetic succession

There is always a poem after this one; 
the understudy to today's centre stage: 

This poem however, is never unimportant, 
it is as individual as the poem that follows; 
many written poems have unwritten forbears- 
each poem is breathed and lived; rarely spoken. 

The panorama of this poem is found in one place – 
the window of its reader's imagination; 
so each poem is the beginning po...

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