humorous verse (Remove filter)
Duty Of Care - Extreme Combat
Dear all
Please take this refresher advice as a friendly reminder
Of our protocol for calling in sick
Which is
In the first instance call the shift supervisor
Inform them why you are unable to attend your shift
Be as clear as possible
The more information the better
We don't need to hear a blues lyric
Only the truth
This information will of course remain ...
Friday 12th August 2016 1:23 pm
I Am The World's First Selfie Poem
I am the world's first selfie poem,
Held aloft by the world's first selfie poem stick,
A look-at-me wordsmith pic,
Here I am fluttering beside Tower Bridge.
So here I pose on the left bank;
Here I'm by the Eiffel Tower,
Here I selfie seductively next to the shower.
Ignore the bidet -
Admire my framed parchment hanging above a plastic flower
Here I am analysed by a poet I barely ...
Monday 13th June 2016 4:54 am
You Should Have Been Here Yesterday (Copenhagen Unicorns And Stockholm Starfish)
You should have been here yesterday
Ten thousand flamingos danced all over the square
A bouquet of jasmine blooms filled the air
Golden geese spiralled a mid-air fanfare
Peace doves gently dropped ribbon boxes of chocolate eclairs
You should have been here yesterday
Billionaires gave away their mansions and wares
Rare paintings
and rare cars
with fre...
Friday 20th May 2016 2:13 pm
Recent Comments
Marla Joy on The Poets are Lying.
7 hours ago
Marla Joy on Coincidence?
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Marla Joy on Your budding awareness
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Tom Doolan on Christmas Rocks 🎅 🎄☃️
9 hours ago
Hugh on Do not stand at my grave and wee
11 hours ago
Auracle on Thank you for all your poetry throughout 2024! Take a look at our Insta advent calendar - you're very welcome to join in!
17 hours ago
Auracle on If.........
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Larisa Rzhepishevska on I Pray For All My Friends Around The World
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Stephen Gospage on Thank you for all your poetry throughout 2024! Take a look at our Insta advent calendar - you're very welcome to join in!
20 hours ago
Stephen Gospage on Pursue Transparency
20 hours ago