The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 36 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

endings (Remove filter)

The Last Great Beauty

The smoothness of this train
as it slips the platform’s leash
The window scene begins to blur
viewed through tear-stained eyes
A myriad of questions swirl
they smudge my addled heart
Creeping high above all else
it’s that merciless, that jagged ‘what if’

What if this 
is the last great beauty
I will ever know

Eyes hungrily study details in the cover image
letting the pages fold the...

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Division Street

I heard that telephone ringing
at the one remaining box down on the street
down on Division Street

If one of us answers the call
they ain’t coming back
whichever one of us goes to
answer that phone
they ain’t coming back

I woke up restless in the night
opened a window for some air
the whole city poured straight in
over siren wail and drunk's lament
I could hear that ringing sound


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