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Any suggestions for additional poetry-related entries, please email; also, any errors.

The Write Out Loud Poetry Directory lists publications, festivals, competitions, and other poetry resources. The Poetry Directory currently has 284 entries.
We flag where an item also covers poetry reviews, short fiction, etc. You can select these content types after a first selection, e.g. of Magazines.


Organisations / Promoters

Magazines / Print Organisations / Promoters Publishers / Print

Organisations / Promoters Venue / Other

Magazines / Online Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

Blog Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters Reference / Listings

Organisations / Promoters

Education Organisations / Promoters Publishers / Print +Courses

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters Reference / Listings

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

Organisations / Promoters

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