The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Forward Slashes appearing

Grrr...just noticed this happening today. When you type an apostrophe, in either the blogs, comments or discussions, you get a forward slash appearing.

Mon, 23 Jul 2012 02:32 pm
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I've reported it to Michael and Paul, Laura
Mon, 23 Jul 2012 02:45 pm
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Dear Greg and Laura,

This problem is now resolved. The slashes have been removed from the messages you typed today and should not appear in the future.

Mon, 23 Jul 2012 05:38 pm
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Thanks very much, Paul, for this speedy action!
Mon, 23 Jul 2012 06:25 pm
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Well when you've gotta have a slash you've gotta have a slash I say...
Mon, 23 Jul 2012 08:17 pm
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Ann! :D

Many thanks for the speedy resolution Paul - really appreciate it :)
Tue, 24 Jul 2012 10:24 am
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