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Frequency of Blog Posting

Is there a need to review the limit to the number of posts per individual / per day / week?

I like to give all contributors a fair crack of the whip when it comes to liking / commenting on their posts.

However it's getting too much like hard work keeping up with the sheer number of posts which just disappear out of view, and which are archived never to be seen again.
Wed, 15 Feb 2023 03:25 pm
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I often inform new members of the need to moderate their blogging (new poem entries) as the previous one is immediately archived and rather too often lost and never commented upon. WOL does not have a limit but posters often get to realise that less is more where feedback is concerned.
Well done for commenting so often Uilleam!
Wed, 15 Feb 2023 03:30 pm
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I am aware of the danger of overloading the blog and I try to limit my posts to about two per week (assuming that I can write something half-decent that frequently!).

This is a good discussion initiated by Uilleam; I don't think anyone wants to impose limits and, as Graham says, it is up to contributors to asssess the right frequency of posts.
Thu, 16 Feb 2023 08:45 am
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I think is a ill-advised move because of the archiving of overloading the blog but it is the right move it being set like that as I've seen new writers come on board pre this and post something 11 or 12 poems. I myself will post I guess maybe one a week, one every other week. No idea to go mad - let others have their turn.
Mon, 20 Feb 2023 09:30 pm
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Personally, I think it’s down to the talent of the blogger. Despite my poetic genius, therefore, I try to limit myself to one a day. “Keep ‘‘em keen”, I say.
Wed, 22 Feb 2023 12:11 pm
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