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Gentle Words in Poetry

I am rather concerned that my poems are not "gentle" enough; since I'm largely self taught my writing skills are somewhat hit and miss.

I know it's rather silly, and "snowflakey" of me, but I have the unfortunate habit of becoming angry at the needless deaths of UK citizens, who die agonising deaths, or suffer homelessness, poverty or illness, or who lose businesses as a direct result of decisions made by our dearly-beloved leaders.

And I would hate my adoring public to be deprived of my brilliant talents; wit, eloquence, passion etc, should I be "cancelled" by WOL, for my poetry not being "gentle" enough.

So please please please, could someone supply me with a list of "gentle" words which I can use in my poetry; alternatively, a list of non-gentle words-to be avoided-would be most welcome.


Tue, 17 Jan 2023 12:54 pm
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I read everything that is written here on WOL and believe me if anything transgresses the WOL T&C's and or Code of Practice, the writer get to know about it pretty quickly.

If anything does offend (the T&C's and CofP not other poets) the writer will be asked to either amend/delete the work.

Gladly we have very few instances of censure, so much so that when we do they tend to be 'big' events.

So by all means search out some gentle words but many other words are permitted too.


Tue, 17 Jan 2023 01:22 pm
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Thanks G.
Tue, 17 Jan 2023 01:41 pm
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Your writing is plenty gentle for me Uilleam! My writing is typically gentle-in-word, but I have a flip side (that I do not put in my writing) that uses plenty of softly-spoken-but-out-loud verbally expressed expletives! I am not easily offended by strong language & appreciate a poet's expression thereof to carry the poem's thoughts/emotions. Love your balanced WOL surveillance approach Graham! Keep on writing & commenting freely from your heart & mind Uilleam! Fondly from afar in Cali (nickname for California), H
Tue, 17 Jan 2023 05:37 pm
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Thanks Hรฉlรจne in Cali.
I was being somewhat โ€œtongue in cheekโ€.

But I'm now getting past the point of being "gentlemanly" after many years of barefaced lies, and corruption (moral and financial) from which my fellow citizens increasingly suffer.
Tue, 17 Jan 2023 06:49 pm
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Re-reading your post, Uilleam, now I can see the tongue in cheek vibe at the end. Lol. Good for you, speaking up about all the folks suffering. Tough tough world. The US is a mess also.
Wed, 18 Jan 2023 03:51 am
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Wed, 18 Jan 2023 08:29 am
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