The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Helpful tips for new WOL members

It is always a good idea to type out your poem on a different document such as ‘word’ or something similar and file/save a copy as WOL cannot be held responsible for any loss after posting.

When new members sign up, they have a propensity to post several poems all at once. Due to limitations of the site only the most recent poem is shown on the blog section.

Any previous postings are archived under the members latest work until the end of each month when they are archived in a ‘previous month’s entries’ section.

It obviously makes sense that if one posts a poem on the last day of the month, it will only be visible for a day before being archived.

Giving feedback to another poet via either a ‘like’ or by leaving a ‘comment’ is a good way to hopefully receive some on one’s own work.

The crucial thing to remember is to focus one’s feedback on the quality and content of the work and not be critical of the poet’s own view, be it political, environmental, sexual orientation or other.

Write Out Loud is special community, quite like no other, a self-perpetuating grass roots poetry platform that welcomes all who share the same passion to ‘bring more people to poetry’.

Enjoy the site, get involved, be kind

From all at the WOL Team
Wed, 4 Oct 2023 02:14 pm
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Thanks for this Graham, which I have belatedly read (!) I'm enjoying the Write Out Loud experience a lot, well done to you and & all involved on your efforts in keeping the words alive, kicking and provocative, without being offensive!
Sun, 26 Nov 2023 02:45 pm
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