The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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How do you set up an online open-mic night?

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that I'm a technophobic old open-mic night compere. We don't know how long this damn lockdown is going to last. I've been resisting it, but it looks like I ought to start thinking about organising an online open-mic night for my group. A lot of other people out there are already doing it. Can anyone tell me how to go about it? I need an easy, step-by-step guide. I can't be the only one out there who needs help ...
Tue, 14 Apr 2020 11:33 pm
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Here's one important tip that's emerged, particularly if you're using the video conferencing platform Zoom: don't share log-in details on social media, but only via email, to keep trolls out
Thu, 16 Apr 2020 02:46 pm
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\wendy Goulstone

I agree , do not post on public social media. Email all your poetry friends and take first comers. Ask them for three titles, in order of preference, and performing times but warn there may be only time for two.Compile a list of performers, in alphabetical order of performer, in two or three rounds. One poem each per round Send them a copy to print themselves.I held one on Zoom on Sunday. We had 20 poets and singers. A friend used his private Zoom account and was the host, while I was free to organise the performers. Allow 30 second introductions. We needed 3 full 40 minute sessions plus about 20 minutes, to include all items. Better to have two rounds. Everyone appreciated the opportunity. We shared our Beyond the Storm poems and advertised the book. Great evening and good responses., Shattered now!
Tue, 8 Sep 2020 09:52 pm
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Thanks for your useful tips, Wendy. Things have moved on a tad since my initial posts in April, and we had at Write Out Loud Woking down in Surrey have been hosting meetings on Zoom since May or June. They've been working well, and we've had poets from up north, such as Wigan's Shaun Fallows, join us, and from Scotland as well. Last week I looked in on Write Out Loud Wigan, ably compered by Ian Whiteley, and there was a poet reading there, Dee Allen, from Oakland, California. If and when we return to our live venue, we plan to continue on Zoom as well.
Sun, 13 Sep 2020 10:06 am
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\wendy Goulstone

Yes, Zoom is brilliant for including folk from around the world. We had people in France, Guernsey and all over England, including three with poems in Beyond the Storm, and would have had one in Vancouver, had she not been otherwise engaged. Beyond the Storm is full of superb poems. I know several people who have ordered it.
Sun, 13 Sep 2020 11:55 pm
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