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Maryna Tchianova

Maryna Tchianova

Hello! I'm glad to see you here. I would like to share some of my poetry , and I wait patiently for your feedback. Thank you a lot in advance!

Maze of time

Too many secrets in your eyes,
Too much silence between us.

You break free
From the tangible world,
You touch upon
The beat of the future.

How will I recognize you
Years after?

When the war is over,
We will meet
In a shining palace
Full of books.

The living and the dead
Will share their voices
On an endless road
Towards the sunrise.

At the speed of light
You follow my soul
Above quaint places,
Above green fields.

Our flight
Through the maze of time
Is a story
Of the truth that we create.

© Maryna Tchianova

The yearbook
Consists of days 'in' and days off,
Long international calls,
Inspiration and planning,

But what will it mean later,
When you have arrived?

What will it mean later,
When you're back?

And broken train windows
Bring us further and further apart,
However I see nothing
But your face,
I hear nothing but your voice.

Too much flattery
For both of us,
People who try to tempt us
And tear us apart,

Holy distance,
The best way to overcome it
Is to listen to falling stars
This summer.

Listen and talk,
Listen and talk.

© Maryna Tchianova
Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:38 am
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t brown

lovely really lovely
Sun, 1 May 2022 01:21 pm
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