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Olde Boar's Head 22/6/08

As you will all know I was quite deliriously tired last night after the TWE, but from what I can remember it was the usual mix of fantastic poetry, flash fiction, short speeches and more!

I want to say a special thanks to the newcomers, both to performing their poetry and the old hands who were new to our night.

Positive comments that were made were: good atmosphere, very welcoming and quick change over of poets, great atmosphere, humourous imagery, something for everyone, good collection of different poets, great energy and diverse work, grand evening, intersting variety, quality stuff, some great stuff and great venue, great to hear new blood, very amusing and good poetry, excellent, good range, quality and atmosphere and great poems.

I would be interested to think what others think of the tables versus circle. I like the circle personally, but I think we should go with majority rule.

I promise wheat free and vegan brownies next time (and a more lucid me!) Ta again everyone!
Mon, 23 Jun 2008 01:02 pm
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All very well said. There were loads of poets including complete newcomers and more experienced performers from elsewhere. The quality was really high and the atmosphere was great and it really made up for a quieter than usual night at Bolton last week.

As usual there was plenty of humour, a good supply of very cleverly constructed verse, memories and nostalgia, wacky ideas, provoked thoughts and deep emotions. Try to get that lot on the telly!

The bonus of the room layout was having -laces for -atrons and -unters
to -ark their -ints (sorry I think I was taking the P). Overall I prefer the circle type layout which I think enables everyone to feel part of the group (inclusive or what?). Also nothing/nobody blocks the view in a circular arrangement. Yep! my vote goes for the circle.

Mon, 23 Jun 2008 07:22 pm
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