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Open mic opportunities

Hello. I am quite new to poetry, and haven't been writing for very long.

I help run an open mic event in Teddington every first Sunday of the month. I do admin, finance, publicity as well as performing.

What I've really learnt from this experience is how few open mic events there seem to be in London. Have I missed something? There's the Poetry Cafe that is so overrun with poets (including myself) in that tiny basement room, there's no-one there that seems to go and just listen.

Is poetry terribly unpopular? Or there more open mic events in other cities?
Wed, 4 Oct 2017 11:21 am
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Hi Heather
Like you, I haven't been writing poetry for very long and wish I'd started sooner!
Poetry does seem to be quite popular - and growing - at the moment and there are quite a few open mic events all around the place.
My preference is for an open mic event anyway and there are quite a few around East Anglia, about ten of which I go to on an irregular basis.
Once a month we have an open mic event in Manningtree called Poetry Plus and our profile is here on the WOL website under "Group Directory". Even though it's a bit far from where you are, you can check out our little website [] for the date of our next meeting and also some links on the site that may be of interest to you.
I'm hoping to go to the Poetry Cafe for one of their afternoon events some time, I wonder if you know what they're like?
Anyway, best wishes
Thu, 5 Oct 2017 12:13 pm
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Thank you, Richard. Sorry it took a while to get back to you.

Yes, I will look into Manningtree. I just thought Central London would have many open mic opportunities.

Yes, the afternoon readings at the Poetry Cafe are more affable, especially if it's your first time, than the nightime ones, in my opinion. Give that a try.

Let me know how it goes

Fri, 13 Oct 2017 12:17 pm
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Hi Heather, we're a bit outside London, but if you feel like venturing down the A3 there's always Write Out Loud Woking, every third Monday of the month. Next one this coming Monday! And the 1,000 Monkeys in Guildford meet on the first Monday. Paper Tiger Poetry is every third Friday of the month at the Tea House Theatre in Vauxhall. Torriano Poets in Kentish Town is every Sunday evening. Open micers only get a poem each, but it's a very good night. Greg
Fri, 13 Oct 2017 04:57 pm
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Bless you, Greg. I'll get on the case!

Tea House Theatre? that sounds interesting.

Sat, 14 Oct 2017 09:14 am
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