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The Tudor House Hotel

What an amazing night last night - it's incredible that we have so much fantastic talent in this group!
I think Peter proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he really is from another planet with his hilarious and wonderful compering. Alabaster was on top form, as always (so I'm told as I don't get too that many gigs :-( boohoo) was brilliant and his pig was wonderfully heckled by the gorgeous Melanie Reese. (yes I know I'm a creep, but she is gorgeous so there)
Scott's sounded sensational as ever! And my good friend Jon Oxendale who is new to Write Out Loud check out his wonderful website: made a stonking debut performance.
The star of the show for me was the birthday boy Shaun Fallows who was 24 yrs old yesterday he entertained us all with three wonderful poems and he entertained me further in the bar with stories about the legends of soul, and on that point I'd like to thank his mate for assuming I'd pulled such a gorgeous bloke - anyhoo speaking of my love life makes me think of lack and as well as lacking gorgeous fella's no pun intended Shaun, I'm also lacking most of my memory courtesy of far too much Guiness so if any one can review the second half of the night and also do a much better job than me of reviewing the firts half please do.
Alabaster your very good at reviews What say you? And Jon you very sensibly stayed sober so your memories shouldn't be missing, speaking of missing we did miss the beautiful Abi and her sweet melodies.

Much love and laughter to you all.

Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:15 pm
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Pete Crompton

Hi Maggie

thanks for review, sorry I missed off one poet at the end, I will apologise to him in person.

I was originally only supposed to do the first half, so I got drunk in the interval and consequently spoiled the second a bit, I apologise for that.

it was great night, loads of good poets on and a good party atmosphere

Dave and mel set the tone by dancing to my speeded up otis reddding track which we used to start the show. (stolen from the Blues Brothers film)

Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:40 pm
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<Deleted User>

Babe it was your second time compering and for my money you did brilliant!
And the Blues Brothers theme was inspired - maybe you and Alabaster can dress up in suits and shades next time?
No no I won't be there to see it :-( ah well there is always the galleries.

Much love
Fri, 10 Aug 2007 01:44 pm
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<Deleted User> (5984)

Fab Evening all round and Magi... Thank you for the compliment. Right back at you Dolly girl.

Fri, 10 Aug 2007 02:05 pm
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<Deleted User>

did anyone take piccies of this event for those lushes who got so drunk they need help with memory recollection. (hic)
Sun, 12 Aug 2007 10:27 am
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