The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Felicity Hannah

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uncertainty in love

I'm staring at my book
and I can’t see the words

for the only words that I can see
are the ones in my head
keeping me from seeing the page in front of me

I wonder if that's how it usually is
if these words in my head
are keeping me from seeing and living out
each present page
each present day

When I think of you
I have a hundred different thoughts
And it almost feels unfair to you
that you don’t know
just how fast
I could fade in and out of you

I just looked out my window
and I can see the storm fading away
The suns light illuminating the faded blue sky
the dark clouds revealing its light once more

Will the dark clouds of my uncertainty
soon fade away?
or will I
Tue, 20 Mar 2018 08:09 am
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Alan Pascoe

This is an interesting poem, but it's never really about oneself. Use your talent to write beyond your own gaze.

Take yourself out of your own work. Mailer did this in his superb novel, The Executioner's Song.

Vita Sackville West told Virginia Woolf to... 'Get out of her own way.' As a writer one has to be able to do that.
It isn't therapy. Although it might be therapeutic to write.

As you're aware, it's more than simply writing to understand ourselves. Try writing five or six poems through someone else's gaze. Take more risks.
You possess the talent!

Good wishes,

Alan Pascoe
Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:36 am
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It's beautiful. .similar to one I have and would love to share with you ;)
Mon, 16 Apr 2018 02:12 am
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Big Sal

Tue, 24 Apr 2018 02:58 pm
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Well thought and very well expressed, direct and honest. Keep writing.
Fri, 25 May 2018 05:45 pm
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Well written.pleasant reading.
Wed, 25 Jul 2018 09:14 am
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